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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 21A. Unemployment Compensation » Article 8. Unemployment Compensation Fund

§21A-8-1. Establishment

There is hereby established as a special fund, separate and apart from all public moneys or funds of the state, an Unemployment Compensation Fund. The fund shall consist of: (1) All payments collected under this chapter.

§21A-8-10. Withdrawals

Except as provided in section thirteen of this article, money shall be requisitioned from this state's account in the Unemployment Trust Fund solely for the payment of benefits and repayment of any loans outstanding from the Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund, created in section twenty, article two, chapter eleven-b of this code, as provided in section […]

§21A-8-11. Issuance and Signing of Warrants; Forgery; Penalty

The commissioner shall issue his warrants for the payment of benefits solely from the benefit account. Expenditures of money in the benefit account and refunds from the clearing account shall not be subject to limitations imposed upon the release of public funds in the custody of state officers. All warrants when issued by the commissioner […]

§21A-8-12. Unclaimed Amounts

Amounts unclaimed or unpaid at the expiration of the period for which sums have been requisitioned, shall be deducted from the estimates for succeeding periods, or in the discretion of the commissioner may be redeposited with the secretary of the treasury of the United States in the unemployment trust fund.

§21A-8-13. Termination of State Act

In case Title IX of the Federal Social Security Act is declared unconstitutional by the supreme court of the United States or is repealed by Congress or amended with the result that no portion of the contributions required by this chapter may be credited against the federal excise tax levied by Title IX of such […]

§21A-8-14. Transfer of Funds to Railroad Unemployment Insurance Account

Notwithstanding any requirements of the foregoing sections of this article, the commissioner shall, prior to whichever is the later of (1) thirty days after the close of this session of the Legislature and (2) July 1, 1939, authorize and direct the secretary of the treasury of the United States to transfer from this state's account […]

§21A-8-16. Loans to Unemployment Compensation Fund From Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary and subject to the provisions of this section, the Governor may, by executive order, after first notifying the presiding officers of both houses of the Legislature in writing, borrow funds from the Revenue Shortfall Reserve Fund created in section twenty, article two, chapter eleven-b of […]

§21A-8-2. Administration

The commissioner shall be the custodian of the fund and shall administer it exclusively for the purposes of this chapter.

§21A-8-3. Commissioner's Bond

The commissioner shall give a separate surety bond in the sum of $50,000 for the faithful management of the fund. The bond shall be in a form prescribed by the Attorney General and approved by the Governor. The premiums upon the bond shall be paid out of the administration fund. The bond shall be filed […]

§21A-8-5. Clearing Account

Upon the receipt of payments and other moneys payable into the fund under this chapter, the commissioner shall immediately deposit them in the clearing account. Refunds payable under section nineteen, article five, of payments erroneously collected, shall be made from the clearing account. Such refunds shall be made upon warrants issued by the commissioner. Interest […]

§21A-8-6. Unemployment Trust Fund Account

The unemployment trust fund account shall consist of money deposited with the secretary of the treasury of the United States to the credit of this state in the unemployment trust fund.

§21A-8-7. Deposit With Federal Government

Except as otherwise provided in section five of this article, after clearance, moneys in the clearing account shall be deposited immediately with the secretary of the treasury of the United States to the credit of the account of this state in the unemployment trust fund, established under section nine hundred four of the Social Security […]

§21A-8-8. Benefit Account

The benefit account shall consist of moneys requisitioned from this state's account in the unemployment trust fund.

§21A-8-9. Deposit of Funds

Except as otherwise provided in this article money in the clearing and benefit accounts shall be deposited by the commissioner, with the consent of the Governor, in any bank or public depository in which public funds of the state may be deposited. No public deposit insurance charge or premium shall be paid out of the […]