§22-18-1. Short Title
This article may be known and cited as the “Hazardous Waste Management Act”.
This article may be known and cited as the “Hazardous Waste Management Act”.
Before the issuing of a permit to any person with respect to any facility for the treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste under sections seven or eight of this article, the director or other permit issuing authority shall: (a) Cause to be published as a Class I-0 legal advertisement in a newspaper of general […]
Any person who owns or operates a facility required to have any permit under this article, which facility was in existence on July 9, 1981, shall be treated as having been issued such permit until such time as final administrative disposition is made with respect to an application for such permit: Provided, That on said […]
Information obtained by any agency under this article shall be available to the public unless the director certifies such information to be confidential. The director may make such certification where any person shows, to the satisfaction of the director, that the information or parts thereof, if made public, would divulge methods, processes or activities entitled […]
(a) The director or any authorized representative, employee or agent of the division, upon the presentation of proper credentials and at reasonable times, may enter any building, property, premises, place, vehicle or permitted facility where hazardous wastes are or have been generated, treated, stored, transported or disposed of for the purpose of making an investigation […]
(a) If the director determines, upon receipt of any information, that: (1) The presence of any hazardous waste at a facility or site at which hazardous waste is, or has been, stored, treated or disposed of; or (2) the release of any such waste from such facility or site may present a substantial hazard to […]
(a) If the director, upon inspection, investigation or through other means observes, discovers or learns of a violation of the provisions of this article, any permit, order or rules issued or promulgated hereunder, he or she may: (1) Issue an order stating with reasonable specificity the nature of the violation and requiring compliance immediately or […]
(a) Any person who knowingly: (1) Transports any hazardous waste identified or listed under this article to a facility which does not have a permit required by this article, Section 3005 of the Federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended, the laws of any other state which has an authorized hazardous waste program pursuant to […]
(a)(1) Any person who violates any provision of this article, any permit or any rule or order issued pursuant to this article is subject to a civil administrative penalty, to be levied by the secretary, of not more than $7,500 for each day of violation, not to exceed a maximum of $22,500. In assessing a […]
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the director, upon receipt of information, or upon observation or discovery that the handling, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of any hazardous waste may present an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health, safety or the environment, may: (1) Request the Attorney General or the […]
(a) Any person may commence a civil action on his or her own behalf against any person who is alleged to be in violation of any provision of this article or any condition of a permit issued or rules promulgated hereunder, except that no action may be commenced under this section prior to sixty days […]
(a) The Legislature finds that: (1) Continuing technological progress and increases in the amount of manufacture and the abatement of air and water pollution have resulted in ever increasing quantities of hazardous wastes;
Any person aggrieved or adversely affected by an order of the director made and entered in accordance with the provisions of this article, or by the failure or refusal of the director to act within a reasonable time on an application for a permit or by the issuance or denial of or by the terms […]
(a) The grantor in any deed or other instrument of conveyance or any lessor in any lease or other instrument whereby any real property is let for a period of time shall disclose in such deed, lease or other instrument the fact that such property or the subsurface of such property, (whether or not the […]
(a) The net proceeds of all fines, penalties and forfeitures collected under this article shall be appropriated as directed by section five, article XII of the Constitution of West Virginia. For the purposes of this section, the net proceeds of the fines, penalties and forfeitures are considered the proceeds remaining after deducting therefrom those sums […]
The program for the management of hazardous waste pursuant to this article shall be equivalent to and consistent with the federal program established pursuant to Subtitle C of the federal Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended.
No enforcement proceeding brought pursuant to this article may be duplicated by an enforcement proceeding subsequently commenced under some other article of this code with respect to the same transaction or event unless such subsequent proceeding involves the violation of a permit or permitting requirement of such other article.
(1) Financial responsibility required by subdivision (4), subsection (a), section six of this article may be established in accordance with rules promulgated by the director by any one, or any combination, of the following: Insurance, guarantee, surety bond, letter of credit or qualification as a self-insurer. In promulgating requirements under this section, the director is […]
Unless the context in which used clearly requires a different meaning, as used in this article: (1) “Director” means the director of the Division of Environmental Protection or such other person to whom the director has delegated authority or duties pursuant to sections six or eight, article one of this chapter;
The Division of Environmental Protection is hereby designated as the hazardous waste management lead agency for this state for purposes of Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and is hereby authorized to take all action necessary or appropriate to secure to this state the benefits of said legislation. In carrying out the […]