It is hereby declared to be the public policy of this state and the purpose of this article to achieve and maintain such levels of air quality as will protect human health and safety, and to the greatest degree practicable, prevent injury to plant and animal life and property, foster the comfort and convenience of […]
(a) All air quality data, emission data, permits, compliance schedules, orders of the director, board orders and any other information required by a federal implementation program (all for convenience hereinafter referred to in this section as "records, reports, data or information") obtained under this article shall be available to the public, except that upon a […]
(a) Unless otherwise specifically provided in this article, no person shall construct, modify or relocate any stationary source of air pollutants without first obtaining a construction, modification or relocation permit as provided in this article. (b) The secretary shall by rule specify the class or categories of stationary sources to which this section applies. Application […]
(a) With respect to the modifications of nonmajor stationary sources, or modifications which are not major modifications to existing major stationary sources, the following activities are authorized in advance of permit issuance. Any authorized activities undertaken by or on behalf of the permit applicant prior to the issuance of a final permitting action by the […]
No person may operate a stationary source of air pollutants without first obtaining an operating permit as provided in this section. The director shall promulgate legislative rules, in accordance with chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, which specify classes or categories of stationary sources which are required to obtain an operating permit. The legislative rule shall […]
For permits required by sections eleven and twelve of this article, the director may incorporate the required permits with an existing permit or consolidate the required permits into a single permit.
Any person whose interest may be affected, including, but not necessarily limited to, the applicant and any person who participated in the public comment process, by a permit issued, modified or denied by the secretary, or construction authorization pursuant to section eleven-a of this article, may appeal such action of the secretary to the air […]
(a) As the state of knowledge and technology relating to the control of emissions from motor vehicles may permit or make appropriate and in furtherance of the purposes of this article, the director may provide by legislative rule for the control of emissions from motor vehicles. The legislative rule may prescribe requirements for the installation […]
The secretary of the Department of Commerce, labor, and environmental resources shall establish a small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program which meets the requirements of Title V of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 42 U.S.C. §7661 et seq. A compliance advisory panel composed of seven members appointed as follows […]
(a) This section of the Air Pollution Control Act may be referred to as the Interstate Ozone Transport Oversight Act. (b) The Legislature hereby finds that: (1) The federal Clean Air Act, as amended, contains a comprehensive regulatory scheme for the control of emissions from mobile and stationary sources, which will improve ambient air quality […]
(a) The director shall propose legislative rules for promulgation in accordance with article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, to the full extent allowed by federal and state law, one or more rules establishing a voluntary emissions trading and banking program that provides incentives to make progress toward the attainment or maintenance of the national […]
(a) The secretary shall establish a program to inventory greenhouse gas emissions from major sources that are subject to mandatory federal greenhouse gases reporting requirements. The secretary shall obtain available emissions data directly from the appropriate federal entity, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency. (b) As used in this section, "greenhouse gas" means carbon […]
The terms used in this article are defined as follows: (1) “Air pollutants” means solids, liquids, or gases which, if discharged into the air, may result in a statutory air pollution.
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection shall propose a legislative rule for promulgation in accordance with 29A-3-1 of this code to implement the Affordable Clean Energy rule, consisting of Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas, Emissions from Existing Electric Utility Generating Units (EGUs) pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act, section 111(d). The proposed rule […]
It is unlawful for any person to cause a statutory air pollution, to violate the provisions of this article, to violate any rules promulgated pursuant to this article to operate any facility subject to the permit requirements of the director without a valid permit, or to knowingly misrepresent to any person in the State of […]
(a) The director is authorized: (1) To develop ways and means for the regulation and control of pollution of the air of the state;
If, from any investigation made by the director or from any complaint filed with him or her, the director is of the opinion that a person is violating the provisions of this article, or any rules promulgated pursuant thereto, he or she shall make and enter an order directing the person to cease and desist […]
(a) Any person who violates any provision of this article, any permit or any rule or order issued pursuant to this article or article one, chapter twenty-two-b of this code is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 for each day of such violation, which penalty shall be recovered in a civil action […]
The director may seek an injunction against any person in violation of any provision of this article or any permit, rule or order issued pursuant to this article or article one, chapter twenty-two-b of this code. In seeking an injunction, it is not necessary for the director to post bond nor to allege or prove […]
Whenever air pollution conditions in any area of the state become such as, in the opinion of the director, to create an emergency and to require immediate action for the protection of the public health, the director may, with the written approval of the Governor, so find and enter such order as it deems necessary […]