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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 22. Environmental Resources » Article 6. Office of Oil and Gas; Oil and Gas Wells; Administration; Enforcement

§22-6-1. Definitions

As used in this article: (a) "Casing" means a string or strings of pipe commonly placed in wells drilled for natural gas or petroleum or both; (b) "Cement" means hydraulic cement properly mixed with water; (c) "Chair" means the chair of the West Virginia shallow gas well review board as provided for in section four, […]

§22-6-10. Procedure for Filing Comments; Certification of Notice

(a) All persons described in subsections (a) and (b), section nine of this article may file comments with the director as to the location or construction of the applicant's proposed well work within fifteen days after the application is filed with the director. (b) Prior to the issuance of any permit for well work, the […]

§22-6-12. Plats Prerequisite to Drilling or Fracturing Wells; Preparation and Contents; Notice and Information Furnished to Coal Operators, Owners or Lessees; Issuance of Permits; Performance Bonds or Securities in Lieu Thereof; Bond Forfeiture

(a) Before drilling for oil or gas, or before fracturing or stimulating a well on any tract of land, the well operator shall have a plat prepared by a licensed land surveyor or registered engineer showing the district and county in which the tract of land is located, the name and acreage of the same, […]

§22-6-14. Plats Prerequisite to Introducing Liquids or Waste Into Wells; Preparation and Contents; Notice and Information Furnished to Coal Operators, Owners or Lessees and Director; Issuance of Permits; Performance Bonds or Security in Lieu Thereof

(a) Before drilling a well for the introduction of liquids for the purposes provided for in section twenty-five of this article or for the introduction of liquids for the disposal of pollutants or the effluent therefrom on any tract of land, or before converting an existing well for such purposes, the well operator shall have […]

§22-6-16. Objections to Proposed Drilling or Converting for Introducing Liquids or Waste Into Wells; Notices and Hearings; Agreed Location or Conditions; Indication of Changes on Plats, etc.; Issuance of Permits; Docket of Proceeding

(a) When a well is proposed to be drilled or converted for the purposes provided for in section fourteen of this article, and is above a seam or seams of coal, then the coal operator operating said coal seams beneath the tract of land, or the coal seam owner or lessee, if any, if said […]

§22-6-19. Same — Continuance During Life of Well; Dry or Abandoned Wells

In the event that a well becomes productive of natural gas or petroleum, or is drilled for or converted for the introduction of pressure, whether liquid or gas, or for the introduction of liquid for the purposes provided for in section twenty-five of this article or for the disposal of pollutants or the effluent therefrom, […]

§22-6-21. Same — Installation of Fresh Water Casings

When a permit has been issued for the drilling of an oil or gas well or both, each well operator shall run and permanently cement a string of casing in the hole through the fresh water bearing strata in such a manner and to the extent provided for in rules promulgated by the director in […]

§22-6-22. Well Report, Logs, Core Samples, and Cuttings to Be Filed; Confidentiality and Permitted Use; Authority to Promulgate Rules; Reporting of Production Data for Horizontal Wells

(a) Within a reasonable time after the completion of the drilling of a shallow well or deep well, the well operator shall file with the secretary and with the state Geological and Economic Survey a completion report containing the following: (1) The character, depth, and thickness of geological formations encountered, including fresh water, coal seams, […]

§22-6-24. Methods of Plugging Well

Upon the abandonment or cessation of the operation of any well drilled for natural gas or petroleum, or drilled or converted for the introduction of pressure, whether liquid or gas, or for the introduction of liquid for the purposes provided for in section twenty-five of this article or for the disposal of pollutants or the […]

§22-6-26. Performance Bonds; Corporate Surety or Other Security

(a) No permit shall be issued pursuant to this article unless a bond as described in subsection (d) of this section which is required for a particular activity by this article is or has been furnished as provided in this section. (b) A separate bond as described in subsection (d) of this section may be […]