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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 22A. Miners' Health, Safety and Training » Article 1. Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training; Administration; Enforcement

§22A-1-1. Continuation of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training; Purpose

(a) The office of miners' health, safety and training is continued and is a separate office within the Department of Commerce, labor and environmental resources. The office shall be administered, in accordance with the provisions of this article, under the supervision and direction of the director of the office of miners' health, safety and training. […]

§22A-1-11. Employment of Electrical Inspectors; Eligibility; Qualifications; Examinations; Salary; Provisions Relating to Underground Mine Inspectors Applicable to Electrical Inspectors

(a) The office shall employ a sufficient number of electrical inspectors as the director determines to be reasonably necessary in fully and effectively carrying out the applicable provisions of this chapter. (b) To be eligible for employment as an electrical inspector, the applicant shall be: (1) A citizen of West Virginia, in good health, not […]

§22A-1-13. Employment of Surface Mine Inspectors; Eligibility; Qualifications; Examinations; Salary; Provisions Relating to Underground Mine Inspectors Applicable to Surface Mine Inspectors

(a) The office shall employ as many surface mine inspectors as the director determines to be reasonably necessary in fully and effectively carrying out the applicable provisions of this chapter. (b) To be eligible for employment as a surface mine inspector the applicant shall be: (1) a citizen of West Virginia, in good health, not […]

§22A-1-14. Director and Inspectors Authorized to Enter Mines; Duties of Inspectors to Examine Mines; No Advance Notice of an Inspection; Reports After Fatal Accidents

(a) The director, or his or her authorized representative, has authority to visit, enter, and examine any mine, whether underground or on the surface, and may call for the assistance of any district mine inspector or inspectors whenever assistance is necessary in the examination of any mine. The operator of every coal mine shall furnish […]

§22A-1-15. Findings, Orders and Notices

(a) If upon any inspection of a coal mine an authorized representative of the director finds that an imminent danger exists, the representative shall determine the area throughout which the danger exists and shall immediately issue an order requiring the operator of the mine or the operator's agent to cause immediately all persons, except those […]

§22A-1-17. Review of Orders and Notices by the Director

(a) (1) An operator, issued an order pursuant to the provisions of section fifteen of this article, or any representative of miners in any mine affected by such order or by any modification or termination of such order, may apply to the director for review of the order within thirty days of receipt thereof or […]

§22A-1-19. Judicial Review

(a) Any order or decision issued by the director under this law, is subject to judicial review by the circuit court of the county in which the mine affected is located upon the filing in such court or with the judge thereof in vacation of a petition by any person aggrieved by the order or […]

§22A-1-2. Definitions

Unless the context in which used clearly requires a different meaning, the following definitions apply to this chapter: (a) General. (1) Accident: The term “accident” means any mine explosion, mine ignition, mine fire, or mine inundation, or injury to, or death of any person.

§22A-1-20. Injunctions

The director may institute a civil action for relief, including a permanent or temporary injunction, restraining order, or any other appropriate order in the circuit court of the county in which the mine is located whenever the operator or the operator's agent: (a) Violates or fails or refuses to comply with any order or decision […]

§22A-1-21. Penalties

(a) (1) Any operator of a coal mine in which a violation of any health or safety rule occurs or who violates any other provisions of this chapter shall be assessed a civil penalty by the director under subdivision (3) of this subsection, which shall be not more than $5,000, for each violation, unless the […]

§22A-1-22. Discrimination

(a) No person shall discharge or in any other way discriminate against or cause to be discharged or discriminated against any miner or any authorized representative of miners by reason of the fact that the person believes or knows that such miner or representative: (1) Has notified the director, his or her authorized representative, or […]

§22A-1-23. Records and Reports

In addition to such records as are specifically required by this law, every operator of a coal mine shall establish and maintain such records, make such reports and provide such information, as the director may reasonably require, from time to time, to enable the director to perform his or her functions under this law. The […]

§22A-1-25. Duties of Mine Foreman Examiner

The duties of the mine foreman examiner are to: (a) Prepare and conduct examinations of mine foremen, assistant mine foremen and fire bosses; (b) Prepare and certify to the director a register of all persons who successfully completed the examination with a passing grade of eighty percent.

§22A-1-26. Place and Time for Examinations

The director shall determine the location where the mine foreman examiner shall meet for the purpose of holding examinations and at least two weeks' notice of the time and place where the examinations are to be held shall be given. The examinations shall be given at any location where there are at least five men […]