US Lawyer Database

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§22A-2-1. Supervision by Professional Engineer or Licensed Land Surveyor; Seal and Certification; Contents; Extensions; Repository; Availability; Traversing; Copies; Archive; Final Survey and Map; Penalties

The mapping of all coal mines shall be supervised by a competent engineer or land surveyor. The work of such engineer or land surveyor shall be supervised by either a civil engineer or a mining engineer certified by the board of registration for professional engineers, which exists by authority of section four, article thirteen, chapter […]

§22A-2-11. Boreholes

It shall further be the duty of the mine foreman to have boreholes kept not less than twenty feet in advance of the face, one each twenty feet on sides of the working places that are being driven toward and in dangerous proximity to an abandoned mine or part of a mine which may contain […]

§22A-2-12. Instruction of Employees and Supervision of Apprentices; Annual Examination of Persons Using Approved Methane-Detecting Devices; Records of Examination; Maintenance of Methane Detectors, etc.

(a) The Office of Miners” Health, Safety, and Training shall prescribe and establish a course of instruction in mine safety and particularly in dangers incident to employment in mines and in mining laws and rules, which course of instruction shall be successfully completed within 12 weeks after any person is first employed as a miner. […]

§22A-2-13. Daily Inspection of Working Places; Records

Before the beginning of any shift upon which they shall perform supervisory duties, the mine foreman or his or her assistant shall review carefully and countersign all books and records reflecting the conditions and the areas under their supervision, exclusive of equipment logs, which the operator is required to keep under this chapter. The mine […]

§22A-2-14. Safety Inspections; Removal of Gases

It shall be the duty of the mine foreman, assistant mine foreman or fire boss to examine all working places under his or her supervision for hazards at least once every two hours during each coal-producing shift, or more often if necessary for safety. In all mines such examinations shall include tests with an approved […]

§22A-2-15. Dangerous Places

The mine foreman shall direct and see that all dangerous places and the entrance or entrances to worked out and abandoned places in all mines are properly dangered off across the openings.

§22A-2-16. Examinations of Reports of Fire Bosses

The mine foreman shall, each day, read carefully and countersign with ink or indelible pencil all reports entered in the record book of the fire bosses. The mine foreman shall supervise the fire boss or fire bosses, except as provided in section twenty-one of this article. No less frequently than bi-weekly, the superintendent or, if […]

§22A-2-17. Ascertainment, Record and Removal of All Dangers

The mine foreman shall give prompt attention to the removal of all dangers reported to him by his assistants, the fire boss or any other person working in the mine, and in case it is impracticable to remove the danger at once, he shall notify all persons whose safety is menaced thereby to remain away […]

§22A-2-2. Submittal of Detailed Ventilation Plan to Director

(a) A mine operator shall give the director a copy of the United States Department of Labors Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-approved plan and any addenda as soon as the operator receives the approval from MSHA. The MSHA-approved plan shall serve as the state-approved plan: Provided, That the MSHA-approved plan shall comply with all […]

§22A-2-21. Fire Bosses to Have No Superior Officers

In the performance of the duties devolving upon fire bosses, or certified persons acting as such, they shall have no superior officers, but all the employees working inside of such mine or mines shall be subordinate to them in their particular work.

§22A-2-23. Authority of Fire Boss to Perform Other Duties

Notwithstanding any other provision in this article contained, any person who holds a certificate issued by the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training certifying his or her competency to act as fire boss may perform the duties of a fire boss and any other duties, statutory or otherwise, for which he or she is […]

§22A-2-24. Control of Coal Dust; Rock Dusting

(a) In all mines, dangerous accumulations of fine, dry coal and coal dust shall be removed from the mine, and all dry and dusty operating sections and haulageways and conveyors and back entries shall be rock dusted or dust allayed by other methods as may be approved by the director. (b) All mines or locations […]

§22A-2-25. Roof Control Programs and Plans; Refusal to Work Under Unsupported Roof

(a) Each operator shall undertake to carry out on a continuing basis a program to improve the roof control system of each coal mine and the means and measures to accomplish such system. The roof and ribs of all active underground roadways, travelways, and working places shall be supported or otherwise controlled adequately to protect […]

§22A-2-26. Roof Support; Specific Requirements

(a) Generally. — The method of mining followed in any coal mine may not expose the miner to unusual dangers from roof falls, and the MSHA-approved plan shall serve as the state-approved plan: Provided, That the MSHA-approved plan shall comply with all provisions of state mining law as set forth in this code or code […]

§22A-2-27. Canopies or Cabs; Electric Face Equipment

An authorized representative of the director may require in any coal mine where the height of the coal bed permits that electric face equipment, including shuttle cars, be provided with substantially constructed canopies or cabs to protect the miners operating such equipment from roof falls and from rib and face rolls.