The use of underground mining equipment of a size that does not conform to the height of the seam being mined, which creates unsafe working conditions for the miner operating the equipment or others, is prohibited: Provided, That the addition of or use of sideboards on shuttle cars shall be permitted if the shuttle car […]
§22A-2-29. Use of authorized explosives; storage or use of unauthorized explosives. Permissible explosives or permissible blasting devices only shall be used in blasting coal or other material in underground coal mines. It shall be unlawful to have, use or store any nonpermissible explosives or nonpermissible blasting devices in any coal mine or on the premises […]
(a) The ventilation of mines, the systems for which extend for more than 200 feet underground, and which are opened after the effective date of this article, shall be produced by a mechanically operated fan or mechanically operated fans. Ventilation by means of a furnace is prohibited in any mine. The fan or fans shall […]
Separate surface magazines shall be provided for storage of explosives, detonators and blasting heater elements. Surface magazines shall be constructed of incombustible materials, be reasonably bulletproof and with no metal or sparking material exposed inside the magazine. Surface magazines shall be provided with doors constructed of at least one-fourth inch steel plate lined with a […]
Individual containers used to carry permissible explosives or detonators shall be constructed of substantial, nonconductive materials, kept closed and maintained in good condition. When explosives or detonators are transported underground in cars moved by means of locomotives, ropes, or other motive power, they shall be in substantially covered cars or in special substantially built covered […]
Explosives and detonators stored underground shall be kept in section boxes or magazines of substantial construction with no metal exposed on the inside, and be located at least fifteen feet from roadways and power wires in a well rock-dusted location, protected from falls of roof. If not kept in separate boxes or magazines not less […]
(a) Only a certified “shot firer” designated by mine management shall be permitted to handle explosives and do blasting. Only electric detonators of proper strength fired with permissible shot firing units shall be used except under special permits as hereinafter provided, and drillholes shall be stemmed with at least 24 inches of incombustible material, or […]
(a) Where misfires occur with electric detonators, a waiting period of at least five minutes shall elapse before anyone returns to the shot. After such failure, the blasting cable shall be disconnected from the source of power and the battery ends short-circuited before electric connections are examined. (b) Explosives shall be removed by firing a […]
(a) The provisions governing the handling, storage, transportation and use of permissible explosives shall apply to all other blasting devices employing a heater element when used underground. (b) Where compressed air is used for blasting, the airlines shall be grounded at the compressor and, if practical, at other low-resistant ground connections along the lines. They […]
§22A-2-36. Hoisting machinery; telephones; safety devices; hoisting engineers and drum runners. (a) The operator of every coal mine worked by shaft shall provide and maintain a metal tube, telephone or other approved means of communication from the top to the bottom and intermediate landings of such shafts, suitably adapted to the free passage of sound, […]
(a) Use of haulage roads and equipment along with signals and inspection shall meet standards established by the U. S. Mine Safety and Health Administration. The roadbed, rails, joints, switches, frogs, and other elements of all haulage roads shall be constructed, installed, and maintained in a manner consistent with speed and type of haulage operations […]
(a) Man trips shall be pulled, unless self-propelled, at safe speeds consistent with the condition of roads and type of equipment used, but not to exceed twelve miles an hour. Each man trip shall be under the charge of a certified person or other competent person designated by a mine foreman or assistant mine foreman. […]
(a) On or after July 1, 1971, all conveyor belts acquired for use underground shall be flame-resistant conveyor belts. (b) A clear travelway at least twenty-four inches wide shall be provided on both sides of all belt conveyors installed after July 1, 1971. Where roof supports are installed within twenty-four inches of a belt conveyor, […]
(a) The operator or mine foreman of every coal mine, whether worked by shaft, slope, or drift, shall provide and hereafter maintain for every such mine adequate ventilation. In all mines the quantity of air passing through the last open crosscut between the intake and return in any pair or set of entries shall be […]
Operators of coal mines in which electricity is used as a means of power shall comply with the following provisions: (1) All surface transformers, unless of a construction which will eliminate shock hazards, or unless installed at least eight feet above ground, shall be enclosed in a house or surrounded by a fence at least […]
Where track is used as a power conductor, rails and switches on main entries shall be bonded and cross-bonded in such manner as to assure adequate return. At least one rail on secondary track-haulage roads shall be welded or bonded at every joint, and cross bonds shall be installed at intervals of not more than […]
Telephone service or equivalent two-way communication facilities shall be provided in all mines at least one of which shall be in service at all times as follows: (a) A telephone or equivalent two-way communication facility shall be located on the surface within five hundred feet of all main portals, and shall be installed either in […]
The following actions are required to detect and respond to excess methane. Subsections (a) through (f) of this section pertain to methane testing with hand-held devices: (a) Hand-held testing required. — In any mine, no electrical equipment or permissible diesel-powered equipment may be brought in by the last open crosscut until a qualified person tests […]
(a) Qualified person to operate cutting machine. — No person shall be placed in charge of a coal-cutting machine in any mine who is not a qualified person, capable of determining the safety of the roof and sides of the working places and of detecting the presence of explosive gas, unless they are accompanied by […]
Electric drills and other electrically operated rotating tools intended to be held in the hand shall have the electric switch constructed so as to break the circuit when the hand releases the switch and shall be equipped with friction or safety clutches.