In this article the term "mine" includes the shafts, slopes, drifts or inclines connected with excavations penetrating clay seams or strata, which excavations are ventilated by one general air current or division thereof, and the surface structures or equipment connected therewith which contribute directly or indirectly to the underground mining of clay.
In every underground clay mine where five or more persons are employed in a period of twenty-four hours, the operator shall employ a mine foreman who shall be a competent and practical person holding a certificate of competence for said position issued to him or her by the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Ttraining […]
The Director of the Office of Miners' Health, Safety and Training may, from time to time, promulgate reasonable rules for the protection of the health and safety of the persons working in or about underground clay mines, to the extent the same are not more onerous or restrictive than the laws of this state intended […]