It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state and the purpose of this chapter to provide fair, efficient and equitable treatment of appeals of environmental enforcement and permit actions to the boards set forth herein. It is also the intent of the Legislature to consolidate and combine the legal, technical and support […]
With respect to any information obtained in the course of an appeal, all members of boards and all personnel employed thereby shall maintain confidentiality to the same extent required of the chief or director.
In addition to the specific conflict of interest provisions set forth in this chapter, any member who has any financial interest in the outcome of a decision of the board shall not vote or act on any matter which shall directly affect the member’s personal interests.
(a) All orders, determinations, rules, permits, grants, contracts, certificates, licenses, waivers, bonds, authorizations and privileges which have been issued, made, granted or allowed to become effective by a board in the performance of functions which are affected by the enactment of this chapter, and which are in effect on the date this chapter becomes effective, […]
Unless the context clearly requires a different meaning, as used in this chapter the following terms have the meanings ascribed to them: (1) “Board” or “boards” means the applicable board continued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, including the air quality board, the environmental quality board and the surface mine board;
(a) The chairs of the boards shall exercise the following powers, authorities and duties: (1) To provide for the management of facilities and personnel of the boards;
(a) Each member of a board, other than an ex officio member, shall be paid the same compensation and expense reimbursement as is paid to members of the Legislature for their interim duties as recommended by the citizens legislative compensation commission and authorized by law for each day or portion thereof engaged in the discharge […]
In addition to all other powers and duties of the air quality board, environmental quality board and surface mine board as prescribed in this chapter or elsewhere by law, the boards created or continued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter have and may exercise the following powers and authority and shall perform the following […]
(a) Any appeal hearing brought pursuant to this chapter shall be conducted by a quorum of the board, but the parties may by stipulation agree to take evidence before any one or more members of the board or a hearing examiner employed by the board. For the purpose of conducting such appeal hearing, any member […]
(a) The provisions of this section are applicable to all appeals to the boards, with the modifications or exceptions set forth in this section. (b) Any person authorized by statute to seek review of an order, permit or official action of the chief of air quality, the chief of water resources, the chief of waste […]
(a) Parties to a hearing may petition a board to obtain discovery regarding any matter, not privileged, which is relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending hearing, subject to the procedural rules of the boards and the limitations contained herein. (b) The following limited discovery may be commenced and obtained by any party […]
(a) Any person, or the secretary, as the case may be, adversely affected by an order made and entered by a board after an appeal hearing, held in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, is entitled to judicial review thereof. All of the provisions of §29A-5-4 of this code apply to and govern the […]