The West Virginia home for aged and infirm men and women is hereby established at Sweet Springs, Monroe county, West Virginia, to be known as Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home, and shall be managed, directed and controlled as provided in article one, chapter twenty-five of this code. The chief executive officer thereof shall be a […]
Any man or woman shall be eligible for admission to said home who: (1) Has attained the age of sixty years;
The state commissioner of public institutions shall have authority to transfer any person from Weston State Hospital, Spencer State Hospital and Huntington State Hospital to the Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home who is qualified for admission under the provisions of this article. The said commissioner shall also have authority to transfer any such person to […]
The state commissioner of public institutions shall also have the power and authority to transfer, from time to time, any number of inmates of the industrial school for boys at Pruntytown, to the Andrew S. Rowan Memorial Home, if, in the opinion of the commissioner, the maintenance of boys at this institution will promote their […]
The pay for the care and accommodation of any person who may be admitted to the home, except as to those transferred from state hospitals and from the industrial school for boys, shall be provided by the county department of public assistance of the county which recommended his or her admission; and said county department […]