(a) The Division of Culture and History and the office of Commissioner of Culture and History heretofore created are hereby continued as the Department of Arts, Culture, and History. The Governor shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint the Curator of Arts, Culture, and History, who shall be […]
Effective July 1, 1977, any person employed in any of the agencies consolidated by this article who is a classified civil service employee shall, within the limits provided in article six of this chapter, remain in the civil service system as a covered employee; and all persons employed by the Division of Culture and History […]
(a) The division may, in the name of the State of West Virginia, through the commissioner or its commissions, accept and receive grants, appropriations, gifts, bequests and funds from any public or private source for the purpose of carrying out the duties and purposes of this article. (b) The division may, through the commissioner or […]
The Division of Culture and History shall have the power, responsibility and duty to publish or republish material of prehistorical, historical, archaeological, architectural or cultural interest. The Division of Culture and History may sell such publications as well as postcards and other items of such interest at the state museum or any other site or […]
All land owned or leased by the Division of Culture and History shall be titled in the name of the public land corporation of West Virginia but shall be controlled, administered and supervised by the division. The division, in the discretion of its commissioner, may sell or dispose of any real or personal property which, […]
Washington-Carver Camp in Fayette County, heretofore transferred to the public land corporation under the control, administration and supervision of the Division of Culture and History shall continue under the control, administration and supervision of the division. The Division of Culture and History shall undertake to develop such cultural and multicultural, artistic, humanistic and educational programs […]
Except as otherwise provided in this article, the powers and duties of the West Virginia antiquities commission, the West Virginia arts and humanities council and the department of archives and history are hereby transferred to the Division of Culture and History. All existing contracts and obligations of the West Virginia antiquities commission, the West Virginia […]
The curator shall assign and allocate space in all facilities assigned to the department and all space in the building presently known as the West Virginia Science and Culture Center, and any other buildings or sites under the control of the curator, and may, in accordance with the provisions of chapter twenty-nine-a of this code, […]
(a) The Commission on the Arts is continued and shall be composed of 15 appointed voting members, the Curator of the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History as an ex officio voting member, the director of the arts section as an ex officio nonvoting member, and the ex officio nonvoting members set forth […]
The purposes and duties of the arts section are to stimulate, encourage, assist, promote, foster and develop the performing and creative arts and crafts in the state; and in furtherance thereof to make awards, prizes and grants to individual performers, artists or craftsmen and to public or private corporations or associations in the field of […]
(a) The archives and history commission which is hereby created shall be composed of thirteen appointed members and six ex officio nonvoting members as provided in this section. (b) The Governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint the members of the commission for staggered terms of three […]
(a) The purposes and duties of the archives and history section are to locate, survey, investigate, register, identify, preserve, protect, restore and recommend to the commissioner for acquisition documents and records having historical, evidential, administrative and/or legal value relating to the State of West Virginia and the territory included in the state from the earliest […]
(a) The purposes and duties of the museums section are to locate, survey, investigate, register, identify, excavate, preserve, protect, restore and recommend to the commissioner for acquisition historic objects worthy of preservation, relating to the State of West Virginia and the territory included therein from the earliest times to the present, upon its own initiative […]
(a) The purposes and duties of the historic preservation section are to locate, survey, investigate, register, identify, preserve, protect, restore and recommend to the commissioner for acquisition historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural sites, structures and objects worthy of preservation, including human skeletal remains, graves, grave artifacts and grave markers, relating to the State of West […]
(a) Legislative findings and purpose. — The Legislature finds that there is a real and growing threat to the safety and sanctity of unmarked human graves in West Virginia and the existing laws of the state do not provide equal or adequate protection for all such graves. As evident by the numerous incidents in West […]
Historic and prehistoric landmarks, sites and districts, identified by the historic preservation section, on lands owned or leased by the state, or on private lands where investigation and development rights have been acquired by the state by lease or contract, shall not be disturbed, or destroyed except as permitted under sections eight and eight-a of […]
(a) There is hereby created a West Virginia State Library Section under the Department of Arts, Culture, and History. (b) The State Library Commission is continued as an advisory council to support the West Virginia State Library Section, and shall consist of the Curator of the Department of Arts, Culture, and History as an ex […]
(a)(1) The National Coal Heritage Area originally was a partnership project of the National Park Service and the State of West Virginia as represented by the Division of Tourism and the Division of Culture and History. In January 1999, the Governor of West Virginia appointed 28 experts from the state and the region to the […]
The purposes and duties of the administrative section are to provide centralized support to the division in all areas of operations. The commissioner shall appoint a director of the administrative section who shall have a bachelor's degree and two years' experience in responsible positions involving office management, public administration, budget and fiscal administration, or related […]