There is hereby established a standing committee of the Senate of this state, to be officially known as the "Senate committee on interstate cooperation," and to consist of seven senators. The members and the chairman of this committee shall be designated in the same manner as is customary in the case of the members and […]
There is hereby established a similar standing committee of the House of Delegates of this state, to be officially known as the "house committee on interstate cooperation," to consist of seven members of the House of Delegates. The members and the chairman of this committee shall be designated in the same manner as is customary […]
There is hereby established the West Virginia commission on interstate cooperation. This commission shall be composed of fourteen regular members, namely: The seven members of the Senate committee on interstate cooperation; and The seven members of the House committee on interstate cooperation. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates […]
The said standing committee of the Senate and the said standing committee of the House of Delegates shall function during the regular sessions of the Legislature and also during the interim periods between such sessions; their members shall serve until their successors are designated; and they shall respectively constitute for this state the Senate council […]
It shall be the function of this commission: (1) To carry forward the participation of this state as a member of the council of state governments.
The commission shall establish such delegations and committees as it deems advisable, in order that they may confer and formulate proposals concerning effective means to secure intergovernmental harmony, and may perform other functions for the commission in obedience to its decisions. Subject to the approval of the commission, the member or members of each such […]
The committees and the commission established by this article shall be informally known, respectively, as the "Senate cooperation committee," the "House cooperation committee," and the "West Virginia cooperation commission."
(a) Within ninety days of entering into an interstate compact, a commission, agency or person administering the compact between or among states or the federal government, having the force of law and to which this state is a party, shall file with the office of the Secretary of State: (1) A copy of the compact […]