(a) The State Boxing Commission, heretofore created, is hereby continued and renamed the State Athletic Commission. The commission shall consist of five persons appointed by the Governor, by and with the consent of the Senate, no more than three of whom shall belong to the same political party and no two of whom shall be […]
Any club, corporation, association or individual which may conduct, hold or give or participate in any sham or fake boxing, sparring or exhibition shall thereby forfeit its license issued in accordance with the provisions of this article, which shall thereupon be, by the commission, canceled and declared void; and it shall not be entitled to […]
The commission shall have the additional authority and power to suspend, revoke, or place on probation the license of any licensee licensed under this chapter, who in the discretion of the commission: (a) Fails to obey any lawful order of the commission, the secretary, or any inspector thereof; (b) Is guilty of gross immorality; (c) […]
Every club, corporation, association or individual which may hold or exercise any of the privileges conferred by this article shall, within four business days after the determination of any contest, furnish to the commission a written report, duly verified by one of its officers, showing the number of tickets sold for such contest and the […]
(a) Each member of the commission may be present at all exhibitions and matches without charge therefor, and shall, when present, see that the rules are strictly observed, and may be present at the counting of the gross receipts. The commission may appoint an inspector to be present representing the commission, which inspector has the […]
(a) The chief official of the boxing match or exhibition shall be the referee. The referee and judges shall be appointed by the commission and shall receive from the commission a card authorizing them to act as such and no club may employ or permit anyone to act as referee except one holding a card […]
In any boxing or exhibition match, each contestant must be examined by a qualified physician prior to entering the ring. The physician shall certify in writing over his signature, as to contestant's physical condition to engage in such contest. Qualified technicians may assist the physician in the examinations, and a physician shall be in attendance […]
No boxer shall be permitted to contest against an opponent ten pounds heavier than himself or herself when the weight of either contestant is less than one hundred fifty pounds. Weight classes as adopted by the Association of Boxing Commissions shall be utilized for all boxing and mixed martial arts contests conducted in this state.
The office of the commission shall be located on the same premises as the office of the Lottery Commission and the Lottery Commission shall provide the commission with any necessary administrative support or management, including, but not limited to: (1) Administrative recordkeeping;
It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a full and true record of all proceedings of said commission, to preserve all its books, documents and papers, to prepare for service such notices and other papers as may be required of him or her by the commission and to perform such other duties […]
No contestant, trainer, inspector, referee, other official, matchmaker, or professional manager may take part in any boxing or mixed martial arts contest or exhibition unless holding a license from the state that is issued by the commission upon payment of the following annual license fee schedule: Professional contestant $25; amateur contestant $20; trainer $20; inspector […]
Any person who shall engage in a boxing contest with another person for money or other such things of value, or for any championship, when an admission fee is charged, either directly or indirectly in this state, except when such contest is held in compliance with this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, […]
If any person shall violate any provision of this article, for which violation a penalty is not here expressly provided, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $50, nor more than $500.
In the event of violation of any provision of this chapter, in addition to any other remedy, the commission may apply to any court of record in the State of West Virginia for relief without being compelled to allege or prove that any adequate remedy at law does not exist.
(a) The commission shall propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of §29A-3-1 et seq. of this code. (b) The commission shall propose such rules to regulate professional and semiprofessional boxers, professional or amateur mixed martial artists, professional and semiprofessional boxing matches and exhibitions and professional or amateur mixed martial arts matches […]
Nothing in this article contained shall be construed to render unlawful boxing, sparring or exhibition contests for any charitable purpose, the American Legion, National Guard, Veterans of Foreign Wars, or other charitable organizations, but a permit shall be obtained from the commission. No charge shall be made for such permit.
The provisions of this article do not apply to amateur wrestling, amateur boxing, or amateur sparring matches or exhibitions conducted by any university, college or high school.
If any section, clause, provision or portion of this article shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect any other section, clause or provision of this article which is not in and of itself unconstitutional.
(a) The commission has sole direction, management, and control of the jurisdiction over all amateur, professional, and semiprofessional boxing, sparring matches, and exhibitions, or any form thereof, to be conducted, held or given within the state by any club, individual, corporation, or association. As used in this article, the term “boxing” includes any fighting event […]
(a) The commission has sole power, direction, management, and control over all professional and amateur mixed martial arts contests, matches, and exhibitions, or any form thereof, to be promoted, conducted, held, or given within the state. (b) As used in this article, the term “mixed martial arts” means a combative sporting contest, the rules of […]