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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 31. Corporations » Article 14. West Virginia Business Development Corporations

§31-14-1. Short Title; Definitions

This article shall be known and may be cited as the "West Virginia Business Development Corporation Act." As used in this article, the following words and phrases, unless definitely defined or described, shall have the meanings and references as follows: (1) "Business Development Corporation": A West Virginia business development corporation created and organized under the […]

§31-14-10. Creation of Surplus From Annual Net Earnings

Each year the corporation shall set apart as earned surplus not less than ten percent of its net earnings for the preceding fiscal year until such surplus shall be equal in value to one half of the amount paid in on the capital stock then outstanding. Whenever the amount of surplus established herein shall become […]

§31-14-11. Corporation Not to Receive Deposits; Designation of Depository Bank

No corporation organized under the provisions hereof shall at any time be authorized to receive money on deposit. The corporation shall not deposit any of its funds in any banking institution unless such institution has been designated as a depository by a vote of a majority of the directors present at an authorized meeting of […]

§31-14-12. Examination by and Reports to Banking Commissioner

Every corporation organized under the provisions of this article shall be subject to the examination and supervision of the commissioner of banking of this state, and shall make a report annually of its condition in such form and containing such information as the commissioner may require, who shall transmit a copy of such annual report […]

§31-14-14. Amendment of Charter

The charter of any corporation organized under the provisions of this article may be amended by the vote of the stockholders and the members of the corporation, voting separately by classes, and such amendments shall require approval by the affirmative vote of two thirds of the votes to which the stockholders shall be entitled and […]

§31-14-15. Applicability of General Corporation Law

Every corporation organized under the provisions of this article shall be governed by the provisions of chapter thirty-one of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, except insofar as the provisions of that chapter are in conflict with the provisions of this article, in which case the provisions of this article shall prevail.

§31-14-16. Severability of Provisions

The provisions of this article are severable, and if any of its provisions shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court with respect thereto shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions hereof.

§31-14-2. Incorporators; Purposes; Agreement of Incorporation

Any number of persons, not fewer than ten, a majority of whom shall be bona fide residents of this state, may associate to create a business development corporation under the provisions of this article for the purpose of promoting, developing and advancing business and industrial development within the state and, to that end, may exercise […]

§31-14-4. Issuance of Charter; Exemption From License Tax

Upon the filing in the office of the Secretary of State of the agreement provided for in section two of this article, the Secretary of State shall issue his certificate as provided in section seven, article one of this chapter, except that the Secretary of State shall not require the payment of the license tax […]

§31-14-5. Corporate Powers

In furtherance of the purposes set out in section two of this article, and to aid in providing an effective program to alleviate conditions of substantial and persistent unemployment, underemployment, and lack of stable economic development, by taking effective steps in planning and financing economic redevelopment, utilizing such facilities and resources as are provided by […]

§31-14-6. Board of Directors; Officers

The business and affairs of the corporation shall be managed and conducted by a board of directors, a president and treasurer, and such other officers and such agents as the corporation by its bylaws shall authorize. The board of directors shall be determined by the incorporators and, thereafter, by the stockholders and the members of […]

§31-14-8. Powers of Stockholders and Members; Voting

The stockholders and the members of the corporation shall have the power to determine the number of and to elect directors as provided heretofore, to make, amend and repeal bylaws, to amend the corporate charter in the manner hereinafter provided, and to exercise such other of the powers of the corporation as may be conferred […]

§31-14-8a. Statewide Corporation; Economic Regions Created; Loan Committees

1. Without limitation upon the power created by this article for the formation of business development corporations restricted in activity or in membership to areas or regions less than statewide, there may be created under the provision hereof a business development corporation coextensive, in the area to be served and from which membership may be […]