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§31G-2-1. Definitions

As used in this article: (1) “Cooperative association” or “association” means any corporation organized under this article. Each association shall also comply with the requisite business corporation provisions of chapter thirty-one-d or thirty-one-f of this code, or the nonprofit corporation provisions of chapter thirty-one-e of this code.

§31G-2-10. Directors

(a) The affairs of the association shall be managed by a board of not less than three directors, elected by the members or stockholders. (b) The bylaws may provide that the territory in which the association has members shall be divided into districts and that the directors be elected either directly or by district delegates […]

§31G-2-11. Officers

The directors shall elect from their number a president and one or more vice presidents. They shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer, who need not be directors or members of the association; and they may combine the two latter offices and designate the combined office as secretary-treasurer; or unite both functions and titles […]

§31G-2-12. Officers, Employees and Agents to Be Bonded

Every officer, employee and agent handling funds or negotiable instruments or property of or for any association created hereunder shall be required to execute and deliver adequate bonds for the faithful performance of his or her duties and obligations.

§31G-2-14. Removal of Officer or Director

(a) Any member may bring charges against an officer or director by filing them in writing with the secretary of the association, together with a petition signed by five percent of the members, requesting the removal of the officer or director in question. The removal shall be voted upon at the next regular or special […]

§31G-2-15. Referendum

Upon demand of one third of the entire board of directors, made immediately and so recorded, at the same meeting at which the original motion was passed, any matter of policy that has been approved or passed by the board must be referred to the entire membership or the stockholders for decision at the next […]

§31G-2-16. Marketing Contract

The association and its members may take and execute marketing contracts, requiring the members, for any period of time not over five years, to use, receive or provide all or any specified part of an internet service exclusively to or through the association, or any facilities to be created by the association. If they contract […]

§31G-2-17. Remedies for Breach of Contract

The bylaws or the marketing contract may fix, as liquidated damages, specific sums to be paid by the member or stockholder to the association upon the breach by him or her of any provision of the marketing contract regarding the sale or delivery or withholding of internet services, and may further provide that the member […]

§31G-2-18. Purchasing Property of Other Associations, Persons, Firms or Corporations

Whenever an association, organized under this article with preferred capital stock, shall purchase the stock of any property, or any interest in any property, or any person, firm or corporation or association, it may discharge the obligations so incurred, wholly or in part, by exchanging for the acquired interest shares of its preferred capital stock […]

§31G-2-19. Annual Reports

Each association formed under this article shall prepare an annual report on forms provided by and filed with the Secretary of State pursuant to the requirements of section two-a, article one, chapter fifty-nine of this code.

§31G-2-2. Who May Organize

Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, twenty or more qualified persons engaged in the use of internet services may form a cooperative association, with or without capital stock, under this article.

§31G-2-21. Interest in Other Corporations or Associations

An association may organize, form, operate, own, control, have an interest in, own stock of, or be a member of any other corporation or corporations, with or without capital stock, and engaged in qualified activities regarding internet services.

§31G-2-22. Contracts and Agreements With Other Associations

Any association may, upon resolution adopted by its board of directors, enter into all necessary and proper contracts and agreements and make all necessary and proper stipulations, agreements and contracts and arrangements with any other cooperative corporation, association or associations, formed in this or in any other state, for the cooperative and more economical carrying […]

§31G-2-23. Rights and Remedies Apply to Similar Associations of Other States

Any corporation or association heretofore or hereafter organized under generally similar laws of another state shall be allowed to carry on any proper activities, operations and functions in this state upon compliance with the general regulations applicable to foreign corporations desiring to do business in this state, and all contracts made by or with such […]

§31G-2-24. Associations Heretofore Organized May Adopt Provisions of Article

Any corporation or association organized in this state under previously existing statutes may, by a majority vote of its stockholders or members, be brought under the provisions of this article by limiting its membership and adopting the other restrictions as provided herein. It shall make out in duplicate a statement signed and sworn to by […]

§31G-2-25. Liability as to Delivery of Products in Violation of Marketing Agreements

Any person who solicits, persuades or permits any member of any association organized hereunder to breach his or her marketing contract with the association or one association with another, by accepting or receiving such member’s products for sale or for auction or for display for sale, contrary to the terms of any marketing agreement of […]

§31G-2-26. Associations to Be Deemed Not in Restraint of Trade

No association organized under this article and complying with the terms thereof shall be deemed to be a conspiracy or a combination in restraint of trade or an illegal monopoly or an attempt to lessen competition or to fix prices arbitrarily; nor shall the marketing contract and agreements between the association and its members or […]

§31G-2-27. Application of Business Corporation Laws; Nonprofit Corporation Laws

The provisions of the business corporation laws in chapter thirty-one-d or the nonprofit corporation laws in chapter thirty-one-e of this code and all powers and rights thereunder shall apply to the associations organized under this article and may be used by them, except when the provisions are in conflict with or inconsistent with the express […]