The following words and phrases as used in this article, unless a different meaning is clearly indicated by the context, have the following meanings: (1) "Burial vault" means a protective container for a casket which is used to prevent a grave from sinking.
(a) The cemetery company shall report the following information to the Tax Commissioner within four months following the close of the cemetery company's fiscal year: (1) The total amount of principal in the preneed trust account;
Nothing in this article prohibits the sale within the contract of preneed property, goods or services to be delivered within one hundred twenty days after the receipt of the initial payment on account of such sale. Contracts may specify separately the total consideration paid or to be paid for preneed property, goods or services not […]
(a) If, after a written request, the seller fails to perform its contractual duties, the purchaser, executor or administrator of the estate, or heirs, or assigns or duly authorized representative of the purchaser shall be entitled to maintain a proper legal or equitable action in any court of competent jurisdiction. No other purchaser need be […]
The trustee may rely upon all certifications and affidavits which have been made pursuant to the provisions of this article and is not liable to any person for such reasonable reliance.
The seller may, upon notification in writing to the trustee, and upon such other terms and conditions as the agreement between them may specify, transfer its account funds to another trustee qualified under the provisions of this article. The trustee may, upon notification in writing to the seller, and upon such other terms and conditions […]
No person subject to the provisions of this article may use the name of the trustee in any advertisement or other public solicitation without written permission of the trustee.
With respect to cemetery property maintained by a cemetery company, the cemetery company is responsible for the performance of: (1) The care and maintenance of the cemetery property it owns; and
Any provision of any contract which purports to waive any provision of this article is void.
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this article is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than $1,000 for each occurrence, or incarcerated in the county or regional jail for a term not to exceed one year, or both fined and […]
(a) A preneed cemetery company contract may include a provision whereby interment rights that are not used for a period of seventy-five years or more shall be deemed abandoned if unclaimed and shall revert to the cemetery company if the procedures in subsection (b) are followed. (b) (1) Prior to deeming an owner's interment rights […]
On or after July 1, 1993, no person, partnership, firm or corporation may engage in the business of operating a cemetery company in this state without having first paid an annual registration fee established by the Tax Commissioner in an amount not to exceed $400, and filing with the Tax Commissioner certain information which shall […]
The provisions of this article do not apply to: (1) Sales of property, goods and services subject to the provisions of article fourteen, chapter forty-seven of this code;
(a) Each cemetery company shall deposit into an interest bearing trust fund forty percent of the receipts from the sale of property, goods or services purchased pursuant to a preneed cemetery company contract including sales of opening and closing or interment services, when the delivery thereof will be delayed more than one hundred twenty days […]
A preneed cemetery company contract shall: (1) Be written in clear understandable language and printed in easy-to-read type, size and style;
Any funds deposited in the trust account as required by section four of this article shall be identified in the records of the seller by the contract number and by the name of the buyer. The trustee may commingle the deposits in any preneed trust account for the purposes of the management thereof and the […]
The corpus of the trust account shall remain intact until the property or goods are delivered or services performed as specified in the contract: Provided, That the net income from the preneed trust account may be used to pay any appropriate trustee and Auditor fees, commissions and costs. The net income from the preneed trust […]
(a) Upon performance of the preneed cemetery company contract, the seller shall certify to the trustee by affidavit the amount of specific funds in the trust, identified with the contract performed, which the trustee shall pay to the seller. The seller may in its records itemize the property, goods or services and the consideration paid […]
Each seller of a preneed cemetery company contract shall record and keep detailed accounts of all contracts and transactions regarding preneed cemetery company contracts and the records shall be subject to examination by the Tax Commissioner.