The Legislature finds and declares that: (a) Under the copyright laws of the United States, a copyright owner may enforce the rights thereof against the owners of restaurants, bars, retail establishments, entertainment and sports facilities and similar places of business where members of the public may assemble for the public performance of music and other […]
As used in this article: (1) "Copyright owner" means the owner of a copyright of a nondramatic musical or similar work, other that a motion picture or other audiovisual work, recognized and enforceable under the copyright laws of the United States pursuant to Title 17 of the United States Code, Public Law 94-553.
(a) Any copyright owner or performing rights society seeking to charge a proprietor or proprietors a royalty or fee for the performance for the public of nondramatic musical or similar works, shall, at least annually provide notice of the royalty or fee rate and the means of its computation to said proprietor or proprietors. (b) […]
This article does not apply to contracts between copyright owners or performing rights societies and broadcasters licensed by the federal communications commission, except that if a copyright owner or performing rights society is licensed by the federal communications commission, this article shall apply to contracts between that copyright owner or performing rights society and a […]