The procedures of this part 3 are not intended to apply to the sale of goods in the ordinary course of operating a business but shall apply to the disposition of the major assets of a business.
Any encumbrance or disposition of property to third persons, except to bona fide purchasers without notice for full and adequate consideration, may be set aside by the court.
§48-7-401. Lis pendens. Upon the commencement of an action under the provisions of this article, any party claiming an interest in real property in which the other party has an interest, may cause a notice of lis pendens to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the county commission of the county wherein […]
The notice shall contain the names of the parties, the nature of the complaint, the court having jurisdiction, the date the complaint was filed, and a description of the real property. Such notice shall, from the time of the recording only, be notice to any person thereafter acquiring any interest in such property of the […]
TO EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION. §48-7-501. Retroactive effect of amendments. Amendments made to the provisions of former article two of this chapter during the 1984 regular session of the Legislature, shall be of retroactive effect to the extent that such amended provisions shall apply to the distribution of marital property, but not an award of spousal support, […]