Potential petit jurors shall be selected by the clerk of the circuit court pursuant to the provisions of this article and under the supervision of the circuit court, or in circuits with more than one circuit judge, the chief judge of the circuit.
(a) In each county, the clerk shall compile and maintain a master list of residents of the county from which prospective jurors are to be chosen. The master list shall be a list of individuals compiled from not less than two of the following source lists: (1) Persons who have filed a state personal income […]
(a) Not less than twenty days before the date for which persons are to report for jury duty, the clerk may, if directed by the court, serve by first-class mail, upon each person listed on the master list, a juror qualification form accompanied by instructions necessary for its completion: Provided, That the clerk may, if […]
(a) At the direction of the circuit court, the clerk for each county shall maintain a jury wheel or jury box, into which shall be placed the names or identifying numbers of prospective jurors taken from the master list. The choice of employing a jury wheel or jury box shall be at the discretion of […]
(a) The chief judge of the circuit, or the judge in a single judge circuit, shall provide by order rules relating to the random drawing by the clerk of panels from the jury wheel or jury box for juries in the circuit and magistrate courts. The rules may allow for the drawing of panels at […]
Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, the court may, after conferring with the clerk and documenting in writing the methods to be used, with such documentation to be approved by the chief judge, direct the use of electronic data processing methods, or a combination of manual and machine methods, for any combination […]
(a) The court, shall determine whether any prospective juror is disqualified for jury service on the basis of information provided on the juror qualification form or interview with the prospective juror or other competent evidence. The clerk shall enter this determination in the space provided on the juror qualification form and on the alphabetical lists […]
(a) The jurors drawn for jury service shall be assigned at random by the clerk to each jury panel in a manner prescribed by the court. (b) If there is an unanticipated shortage of available petit jurors drawn from the jury wheel or jury box the court may require the sheriff to summon a sufficient […]