753.32 Clerks, etc., not to be appraisers. No clerk or other person employed in the office of any circuit judge may be appointed commissioner or appraiser in any matter that is within the jurisdiction of the judge or of the circuit court. History: 1977 c. 449.
753.34 Circuit court for Menominee and Shawano counties. (1) Menominee County shall not be organized separately for circuit court purposes, but is a part of a joint circuit court for Menominee and Shawano counties, which constitutes a single judicial district. No circuit judge for Menominee County may be elected separately, but the duly elected judges […]
753.35 Rules of practice and trial court administration. (1) A circuit court may, subject to the approval of the chief judge of the judicial administrative district, adopt and amend rules governing practice in that court that are consistent with rules adopted under s. 751.12 and statutes relating to pleading, practice, and procedure. The court shall […]