756.001 State policy on jury service; opportunity and obligation to serve as juror. (1) Trial by jury is a cherished constitutional right. (2) Jury service is a civic duty. (3) No person who is qualified and able to serve as a juror may be excluded from that service in any court of this state on […]
756.01 Definitions. In this chapter: (1) “Juror” means a person summoned in compliance with this chapter or who has taken an oath or affirmation under s. 756.08 (1). (2) “Jury” means the jurors and alternates sworn to hear a trial. (3) “Jury array” means the annual list of prospective jurors in each county qualified as […]
756.02 Juror qualifications. Every resident of the area served by a circuit court who is at least 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen and able to understand the English language is qualified to serve as a juror in that circuit unless that resident has been convicted of a felony and has not had his […]
756.03 Excuse; deferral. (1) Excuse. The court to which a person is summoned for jury service may excuse the person from jury service if the court determines that the person cannot fulfill the responsibilities of a juror. The court shall not consider any structural limitations of a facility when making that determination. (2) Deferral. The […]
756.04 Prospective juror lists; number; how compiled. (2) Jurors for all circuit courts shall be selected under ss. 756.04 to 756.07, subject to all of the following: (a) Each year, the office of the director of state courts shall compile a master list of potential jurors for use by the circuit courts of each county […]
756.05 Jury summons, when and how issued. At least 12 days before the first day on which a jury is required to be present, to create the jury venire, the clerk of circuit court shall randomly select a sufficient number of prospective jurors from the jury array created under s. 756.04 (9) who shall be […]
756.06 Jury selection. (1) Whenever an issue is to be tried before a jury, the clerk of circuit court shall randomly select names from the jury venire until the desired number is obtained to create the jury panel. The random selection of names may include the provision that jurors reporting for service who have not […]
756.07 Insufficient jurors. When a sufficient number of jurors cannot be obtained for a trial from the jury venire supplied by the clerk of circuit court, the court may order the sheriff to bring before the court persons in the vicinity for determination by the court of their qualification and ability to serve as jurors […]
756.08 Oaths and affirmations. (1) The jurors selected to try the issues in the action or proceeding shall take an oath or affirmation to try the issues submitted to them and, unless discharged by the court, to give a verdict according to the law and the evidence given in court. (2) When the issues have […]
756.25 Juror fees and mileage. (1) Every grand and petit juror summoned shall receive an amount, not less than $16, as fixed by the county board, for each day of attendance, and an amount equal to the mileage rate set under s. 20.916 (8) for each mile traveled each day in going and returning by […]
756.255 Leave of absence. An employer shall grant an employee a leave of absence without loss of time in service for the period of jury service. For the purpose of determining seniority or pay advancement, the status of the employee shall be considered uninterrupted by the jury service. No employer may use absence due to […]
756.28 Length of juror service; periods of required availability. (1) One day or one trial. The judges in any circuit may establish a system in which a person summoned under s. 756.05 may not be required to serve or attend court for prospective service as a petit juror for more than one day in a […]
756.30 Penalties. (1m) Juror contempt procedure. Whoever does any of the following is subject to sanctions for contempt of court: (am) Willfully misrepresents any material fact on a juror qualification form under s. 756.04 (6). (bm) Fails to return the completed juror qualification form within 10 days after receipt of the form. (cm) Fails to […]