US Lawyer Database

For Lawyer-Seekers


83.001 – Definition.

83.001 Definition. In this chapter, “department” means the department of transportation. History: 1985 a. 223.

83.01 – County highway commissioner.

83.01 County highway commissioner. (1) Election or appointment. (a) Except as provided under pars. (b) and (c), the county board shall elect a county highway commissioner. If the county board fails to elect a county highway commissioner, the county shall not participate in state allotments for highways. (b) In counties having a population of 750,000 […]

83.013 – County traffic safety commissions.

83.013 County traffic safety commissions. (1) (a) For each county, the county highway commissioner or a designated representative, the chief county traffic law enforcement officer or a designated representative, the county highway safety coordinator, and a representative designated by the county board from each of the disciplines of education, medicine and law and 3 representatives […]

83.015 – County highway committee.

83.015 County highway committee. (1) Election; compensation; term. (a) Except as otherwise provided in par. (c) each county board at the annual meeting shall by ballot elect a committee of not less than 3 nor more than 5 persons, to serve for one year, beginning either as soon as elected or on January 1 following […]

83.016 – Traffic patrol officers, appointment, duties, bond.

83.016 Traffic patrol officers, appointment, duties, bond. (1) The county board, or one of its committees to which it may delegate such authority, may appoint traffic officers for the enforcement of laws relating to the highways or their use, or the maintenance of order upon or near the highways. Traffic officers may arrest without warrant […]

83.018 – Road supplies; committee may sell to municipalities.

83.018 Road supplies; committee may sell to municipalities. The county highway committee is authorized to sell road building and maintenance supplies on open account to any city, village, town or school district within the county; and any such city, village, town or school district is authorized to purchase such supplies. It is permissible for a […]

83.02 – County aid highways.

83.02 County aid highways. (1) The system of prospective state highways heretofore selected by the county boards and approved by the highway commission are hereby validated but without prejudice to the exercise of the power to change such systems. Such systems are hereby designated as the county aid highway system. (2) The department, on the […]

83.025 – County trunk highways.

83.025 County trunk highways. (1) (a) The systems of county trunk highways heretofore selected by county boards and approved by the department are hereby validated. Changes may be made in the county trunk system by the county board as provided in this section. The county board in making the changes may order the county highway […]

83.026 – Federal aid secondary highways.

83.026 Federal aid secondary highways. The county highway committee shall cooperate with the department in the selection of a system of federal aid secondary and feeder roads within the meaning of the Federal Aid Road Act approved July 11, 1916 (39 Stats. at L. 355), and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. The county […]

83.027 – Controlled-access highways.

83.027 Controlled-access highways. (1) Authority of county board; procedure. The legislature declares that the effective control of traffic entering upon or leaving intensively traveled highways is necessary in the interest of public safety, convenience and the general welfare. The county board may designate as controlled-access highways the portions of the county trunk system on which, […]

83.03 – County aid; local levy; donations.

83.03 County aid; local levy; donations. (1) The county board may construct or improve or repair or aid in constructing or improving or repairing any highway or bridge in the county. (2) If any county board determines to improve any portion of a county trunk highway with county funds, it may assess not more than […]

83.035 – Streets and highways, construction.

83.035 Streets and highways, construction. Any county board may provide by ordinance that the county may, through its highway committee or other designated county official or officials, enter into contracts with cities, villages and towns within the county borders to enable the county to construct and maintain streets and highways in such municipalities. Counties may […]

83.04 – Highway construction by county; noncontract work; payments.

83.04 Highway construction by county; noncontract work; payments. (1) All highway improvements made by the county highway committee shall be by contract, unless the committee determines that some other method would better serve the public interest. The manner of advertising for bids and the forms of bids, contracts and bonds shall be substantially those used […]

83.05 – Improving streets over 18 feet wide.

83.05 Improving streets over 18 feet wide. (1) When a portion of the system of county aid highways in any city is to be improved, and the funds from the city and county are available therefor, the city may determine that the roadways shall be paved to a greater width than 18 feet. If it […]

83.06 – Maintenance of county aid highways.

83.06 Maintenance of county aid highways. All streets and highways improved with county aid under this chapter shall be maintained by the towns, cities and villages in which they lie but this provision shall not diminish or otherwise affect the duty of the county with respect to any street or highway which is a portion […]

83.065 – County road and bridge fund; tax levy.

83.065 County road and bridge fund; tax levy. The county board shall annually levy a tax of not more than 2 mills on the dollar, in addition to all other taxes, and the proceeds shall be known as the “County Road and Bridge Fund”. Expenditures from said fund shall be made only for the purposes […]

83.07 – Acquisition of lands, quarries, gravel pits; relocation; eminent domain.

83.07 Acquisition of lands, quarries, gravel pits; relocation; eminent domain. (1) The county highway committee or town board may acquire any lands or interest therein needed to carry out the provisions of this chapter. Whenever the county highway committee or town board is unable to acquire the same by purchase at a reasonable price such […]

83.08 – Acquisition of lands and interest therein.

83.08 Acquisition of lands and interest therein. (1) (a) The county highway committee may acquire by gift, devise, purchase or condemnation any lands or interests in lands for the improvement, maintenance, relocation or change of any county aid or other highway or street or any bridge on a county aid or other highway or street […]

83.09 – Emergency repairs of county trunk highways.

83.09 Emergency repairs of county trunk highways. Whenever a flood or other casualty renders any county trunk highway dangerous for travel, the town chairperson may immediately close it and notify the county highway commissioner thereof, and the commissioner shall promptly make repairs necessary to render the highway safe for travel. If sufficient funds are not […]

83.11 – Marking section and quarter section corners in highways.

83.11 Marking section and quarter section corners in highways. Any county board may provide that section and quarter section corners in any highway constructed in whole or in part with county funds may be marked with suitable permanent monuments or markers; and the expense of putting in and maintaining such markers shall be paid out […]