89.02 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise: (1g) “Administer,” when used in reference to administering a drug to an animal, means directly applying the drug, whether by injection, ingestion, or any other means, to the body of the animal. (1m) “Animal” means any animal except a human being. (3) “Client” […]
89.03 Rules. (1) The examining board shall promulgate rules, within the limits of the definition under s. 89.02 (6), establishing the scope of practice permitted for veterinarians and veterinary technicians and shall review the rules at least once every 5 years to determine whether they are consistent with current practice. The examining board may promulgate […]
89.04 Violations. The chairperson of the examining board shall institute actions for violations of this chapter by any person and for violations of ch. 450 or 961 by veterinarians. The district attorney of the county in which the offense is committed shall promptly prosecute any such violation upon being informed thereof, from any source. History: […]
89.05 Practice; penalties. (1) Except as provided under sub. (2) and ss. 256.155 and 257.03, no person may offer to practice, advertise to practice or practice veterinary medicine, or use, in connection with his or her name, any title or description which may convey the impression that he or she is a veterinarian, without a […]
89.06 Licensure. (1) Except as provided under ss. 89.072 and 89.073, veterinary licenses shall be issued only to persons who successfully pass an examination conducted by the examining board and pay the fee established under s. 89.063. An applicant for an initial license shall be a graduate of a veterinary college that has been approved […]
89.062 Renewal; continuing education. (1) Renewal. The renewal date for veterinary licenses and veterinary technician certifications is December 15 of each odd-numbered year, and the renewal fees for such licenses and certifications are determined by the department under s. 89.063. (2) Continuing education. (a) Except as provided in sub. (3), the examining board may not […]
89.063 Fees. The department shall determine by rule the fees for each initial license, certification, and permit issued under ss. 89.06, 89.072, and 89.073, and, if applicable, for renewal of the license, certification, or permit, including late fees, based on the department’s administrative and enforcement costs under this chapter. The department shall notify the holder […]
89.065 Examinations. (1) Examinations under this chapter shall be designed to determine whether an applicant is competent to engage in the practice of veterinary medicine and shall be administered at least once annually. Examinations shall be objective and reliable, reasonably related to the skills likely to be needed by an applicant and seek to determine […]
89.068 Drugs for animal use. (1) Prescribing; dispensing. (a) Extra-label use on animal; prescription required. No person may make extra-label use of a drug on an animal without a prescription or in any manner not authorized by that prescription. (b) Form of prescription. A prescription shall include all of the following: 1. The name and […]
89.07 Discipline. (1) In this section, “unprofessional conduct” includes, but is not limited to: (a) Making any materially false statement or giving any materially false information in connection with an application for a license or for renewal or reinstatement of a license or in making a report to the examining board. (b) Violating this chapter […]
89.071 Administrative warnings. (1) If the examining board determines during an investigation of a complaint against a person holding a license, certification, or permit issued under s. 89.06, 89.072, or 89.073 that there is evidence that the credential holder committed misconduct, the examining board may close the investigation by issuing an administrative warning to the […]
89.0715 Assessment of costs. (1) In this section, “costs of the proceeding” means all of the following: (a) Compensation and reasonable expenses of hearing examiners and prosecuting attorneys for the department and examining board. (b) A reasonable disbursement for the service of process or other papers. (c) Amounts actually paid out for certified copies of […]
89.072 Licensees of other jurisdictions. (1) Upon application and payment of the fee established under s. 89.063, the examining board may issue a license to practice veterinary medicine to any person licensed to practice veterinary medicine in another state or territory of the United States or in another country if the applicant is not currently […]
89.073 Reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses. (1) In this section: (a) “Former service member” means a person who was discharged from the U.S. armed forces under conditions other than dishonorable within 4 years of the date on which the service member or the spouse of the service member applies […]
89.075 Access to health care records. The owner of any animal patient of a veterinarian, or any other person who submits to the veterinarian a statement of written informed consent signed by the owner, may, upon request to the veterinarian: (1) Receive a copy of the animal patient’s health care records upon payment of reasonable […]
89.078 Background investigations. (1) The examining board may conduct an investigation to determine whether an applicant for a license, certification, or permit issued under s. 89.06, 89.072, or 89.073 satisfies any of the eligibility requirements specified for the license, certification, or permit, including, subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322, and 111.335, whether the applicant does not […]
89.079 Unauthorized practice. (1) The department may conduct investigations, hold hearings, and make findings as to whether a person has engaged in a practice or used a title without a credential required under this chapter. (2) If, after holding a public hearing, the department determines that a person has engaged in a practice or used […]
89.08 Injunctive relief. If it appears upon complaint to the examining board by any person, or if it is known to the examining board, that any person is practicing veterinary medicine without a license, the examining board, the attorney general or the district attorney of the proper county may investigate and may, in addition to […]