618.40 Definitions. In this subchapter, unless the context requires otherwise: (1) “Affiliated group” means all persons that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with, an insured. (2) “Authorized insurer” means an insurer that is licensed, or authorized, to transact the business of insurance under the law of the home state. (3) “Control” […]
618.41 Surplus lines insurance. (1) General permission. A domestic surplus lines insurer or a nondomestic insurer which has not obtained a certificate of authority to do business in this state under s. 618.12 may negotiate for and make insurance contracts with persons in this state and on risks located in this state, subject to the […]
618.415 Group liability insurance issued by an unauthorized insurer. (1) Notice before taking application. A person may not take an application for liability insurance coverage under a group liability insurance policy which is issued by an unauthorized insurer and which is for a risk that resides or is otherwise located in this state, unless before […]
618.416 Qualification for placement of surplus lines insurance with an unauthorized insurer. An intermediary may not place surplus lines insurance under s. 618.41 with an unauthorized insurer if this state is the home state of the proposed insured, unless at the time of placement all of the following apply to the unauthorized insurer: (1) If […]
618.42 Direct procurement of insurance. (1) Permitted direct procurement. Subject to the restrictions of this section, any person seeking insurance may obtain it if no agent or broker resident or doing business in this state is involved and if negotiations occur primarily outside this state. Negotiations by mail occur within this state if a letter […]
618.43 Taxation of insurance written by unauthorized insurers. (1) Business subject to taxation. (a) Subject to par. (bc), insurers, agents, brokers, and policyholders are liable, as provided in sub. (2), for a premium tax of 3 percent of gross premiums charged for insurance, excluding annuities, if any of the following is satisfied: 1. The insurance […]
618.44 Effect of illegal contracts. An insurance contract entered into in violation of this chapter is unenforceable by, but enforceable against, the insurer. The terms of the contract are governed by chs. 600 to 646 and 655 and rules promulgated thereunder. If the insurer does not pay a claim or loss payable under the contract, […]
618.45 Servicing of contracts made out of state. (1) Servicing permitted. A nondomestic insurer which does not have a certificate of authority to do business in this state under s. 618.12 may in this state collect premiums and adjust losses and do all other acts reasonably incidental thereto, with respect to contracts lawfully made outside […]
618.47 Defense of action by unauthorized person. (1) Conditions for filing. No pleading, notice, order or process in any court action or in any administrative proceeding before the commissioner instituted against an unauthorized person under ss. 601.72 or 601.73 may be filed by or on behalf of the unauthorized person unless the person either: (a) […]
618.48 Attorney fees. In an action against an unauthorized person upon a contract of insurance issued in violation of this chapter, if the unauthorized person fails to make payment in accordance with the contract for 30 days after the payment is due and demand is made, and it appears to the court that the refusal […]
618.49 Investigation, disclosure and taxation of insurance contracts. (1) Report on insurance. Whenever the commissioner has reason to believe that insurance has been effectuated by or for any person in this state with an unauthorized insurer, the commissioner may in writing order the person to produce for examination all insurance contracts and other documents evidencing […]
618.50 Reporting of illegal insurance. (1) Adjusters’ duty to report. Every person investigating or adjusting any loss or claim on a subject of insurance in this state shall promptly report to the commissioner every insurance policy or contract connected with his or her investigation or settlement, of which he or she knows, which has been […]
618.61 Reciprocal enforcement of foreign decrees. (1) Definitions. In this section: (a) “Foreign decree” means any decree or order of a court located in a reciprocal state, including a court of the United States located therein, against any insurer authorized to do business in this state. (b) “Reciprocal state” means any state the laws of […]