US Lawyer Database

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344.01 – Words and phrases defined.

344.01 Words and phrases defined. (1) Words and phrases defined in ss. 340.01 and 343.01 are used in the same sense in this chapter unless a different definition is specifically provided. (2) In this chapter the following words and phrases have the designated meanings: (a) “Judgment” means a judgment for damages rendered by a court […]

344.02 – Hearing on suspension or impoundment.

344.02 Hearing on suspension or impoundment. (1) Whenever the department under s. 344.13 gives notice of the amount of security required to be deposited and that an order of suspension or impoundment will be made if such security is not deposited, it shall afford the person so notified an opportunity for a hearing on the […]

344.03 – Judicial review.

344.03 Judicial review. (1) Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the department under this chapter may, at any time prior to 30 days after the entry of an order of suspension, revocation or impoundment, seek judicial review under ch. 227. (2) If any person aggrieved by a decision of the department under this […]

344.05 – Courts to report nonpayment of certain judgments.

344.05 Courts to report nonpayment of certain judgments. (1) If a judgment of $500 or more for damages arising out of a motor vehicle accident is not satisfied within 30 days after its having become final by expiration without appeal of the time within which an appeal might have been taken or by final affirmation […]

344.08 – Suspension for failure to report accident.

344.08 Suspension for failure to report accident. (1) The secretary may suspend the operating privilege or registration of any person who fails to report an accident as required by s. 346.70 or to give correctly the information requested by the secretary in connection with such report unless, in the judgment of the secretary, there was […]

344.09 – Reinstatement of operating privilege and registration.

344.09 Reinstatement of operating privilege and registration. (1) Whenever the secretary is satisfied that the reason for suspending or revoking an operating privilege under this chapter has been removed, including satisfaction of any of the requirements of s. 344.18, the secretary shall order reinstatement of the operating privilege. The department shall give notice of the […]