349.24 Authority to license taxicab operators and taxicabs. (1) The council of any city and every village or town board may: (a) Regulate and license chauffeurs and operators of taxicabs used for hire; (b) Regulate and license the taxicab business by licensing each taxicab used for hire; (c) Prohibit any person from operating any motor […]
349.25 Authority to license hayrack and sleigh rides. (1) In counties containing a city of the first or second class, the owner of a vehicle to be operated upon a highway for the purpose of transporting persons for hire in what is commonly known as a hayrack ride, a sleigh, boxsled or bobsled ride or […]
349.26 Authority to allow or prohibit the operation of low-speed vehicles. (1m) The governing body of any municipality or county may by ordinance prohibit the operation of low-speed vehicles on any highway that is under the jurisdiction, for maintenance purposes, of the municipality or county. A county ordinance enacted under this subsection does not apply […]