424.201 Definition “consumer credit insurance”. “Consumer credit insurance” means insurance, other than insurance on property, by which the satisfaction of debt in whole or in part is a benefit provided, but does not include: (1) Insurance issued as an isolated transaction on the part of the insurer not related to an agreement or plan for […]
424.202 Charge for insurance. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and subject to the provisions on additional charges (s. 422.202), and maximum charges (s. 422.201) a creditor may agree to provide insurance, and may contract for and receive a charge for insurance separate from and in addition to other charges. A creditor need […]
424.203 Conditions applying to insurance to be provided by creditor. (1) When the parties agree that consumer credit insurance shall be provided, at the time the indebtedness is incurred there shall be delivered to the customer the individual policy, a group certificate of insurance, a copy of the application for such insurance or a notice […]
424.204 Maximum charge by creditor for insurance. (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), if a creditor contracts for or receives a charge for insurance, the amount charged for the insurance may not exceed the premium to be charged by the insurer, as computed at the time the charge to the customer is determined, conforming […]
424.205 Refund or credit required. (1) Upon prepayment in full of a consumer credit transaction by the proceeds of consumer credit insurance, the customer or the customer’s estate is entitled to a refund of any portion of a separate charge for insurance which by reason of prepayment is retained by the original creditor or any […]
424.206 Deferral, refinancing and consolidation agreements. (1) The creditor may not receive a separate charge for insurance in connection with a deferral (s. 422.204), a refinancing (s. 422.205) or a consolidation (s. 422.206) unless: (a) The customer agrees in writing at the time of deferral, refinancing or consolidation that a specific charge may be made; […]
424.207 Term of insurance. (1) Consumer credit insurance provided by a creditor may be subject to the furnishing of evidence of insurability satisfactory to the insurer. Whether or not such evidence is required, the term of the insurance shall commence no later than when the customer becomes obligated to the creditor or when the customer […]
424.208 Amount of insurance. (1) The initial amount of credit life insurance shall not exceed the total amount repayable under the contract of indebtedness however the indebtedness may be repayable, but in cases where an indebtedness is repayable in substantially equal installments, the amount of insurance shall at no time exceed the scheduled or actual […]
424.209 Filing and approval of rates and forms. (1) Notwithstanding s. 625.13 (1), no individual or group policy, certificate of insurance, notice of proposed insurance, application for insurance, endorsement or rider relating to credit life insurance or credit accident and sickness insurance delivered or issued for delivery in this state, or the schedule of premium […]