427.101 – Short title.
427.101 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as Wisconsin consumer act — debt collection. History: 1971 c. 239.
427.101 Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as Wisconsin consumer act — debt collection. History: 1971 c. 239.
427.102 Scope. This chapter applies to conduct and practices in connection with the collection of obligations arising from consumer transactions, including transactions that are primarily for an agricultural purpose. History: 1971 c. 239; 1997 a. 302.
427.103 Definitions: “claim”; “debt collection”; “debt collector”. (1) “Claim” means any obligation or alleged obligation arising from a consumer transaction, including a transaction that is primarily for an agricultural purpose. (2) “Debt collection” means any action, conduct or practice of soliciting claims for collection or in the collection of claims owed or due or alleged […]
427.104 Prohibited practices. (1) In attempting to collect an alleged debt arising from a consumer credit transaction or other consumer transaction, including a transaction primarily for an agricultural purpose, where there is an agreement to defer payment, a debt collector may not: (a) Use or threaten force or violence to cause physical harm to the […]
427.105 Remedies. (1) A person injured by violation of this chapter may recover actual damages and the penalty provided in s. 425.304; but notwithstanding any other law actual damages shall include damages caused by emotional distress or mental anguish with or without accompanying physical injury proximately caused by a violation of this chapter. (2) If […]