12-2-201. Wholesale license for sale of malt beverages only; fee. (a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (ii) of this subsection a wholesale license authorizing the sale of malt beverages only may be granted by the division to microbreweries and malt beverage wholesalers resident within this state. Wholesale licensees have the exclusive right to sell […]
12-2-202. Sales by railroads and chartered transportation services; limited transportation liquor license; fees; chartered transportation services defined. (a) The division may authorize sales by railroads and by any charter transportation service. Under the authority of a limited transportation liquor license, railroads and chartered transportation services may sell alcoholic liquor or malt beverages when moved into […]
12-2-203. Manufacturing and rectifying; importing and industry representatives; licensing; fees. (a) The division shall grant a manufacturer’s license authorizing the manufacture or rectification of alcoholic liquor or an importer’s license authorizing the importation of alcoholic liquor to a qualified resident within this state who submits an application to the division on forms provided by the […]
12-2-204. Out-of-state shipment of manufactured wine; license; fees; restrictions; conditions. (a) Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, any person currently licensed in its state of domicile as an alcoholic liquor or malt beverage manufacturer, importer, wholesaler or retailer who obtains an out-of-state shipper’s license, as provided in this section, may ship no […]