18-3-601. Office created; election. There shall be elected in each county a county sheriff, who shall be a resident of the county in which the county sheriff serves, beginning on the first day of the term and through the last day of the term for which the county sheriff serves.
18-3-602. Qualifications, appointment, duties and salary of undersheriff; deputies, reserve deputies, clerks, stenographers and assistants; appointment of deputies for special acts; appointment of deputies by county commissioners. (a) Each county sheriff may appoint an undersheriff who shall be a bona fide resident of the county, qualify as required by law for deputy sheriff and serve […]
18-3-603. Duty as custodian of jail and prisoners; requirements for boarding prisoners; quarters or rental allowance to be furnished by county. (a) Each sheriff has charge of the jail and the prisoners therein confined in his county. The prisoners shall be kept by the sheriff or by a deputy or detention officer appointed for that […]
18-3-604. Service of process; attendance upon courts. The county sheriff or his deputy shall serve and execute according to law all processes, writs, precepts and orders issued by any court of record in his county or other lawful authority in all criminal and civil cases and he shall attend all courts of record in his […]
18-3-605. Service of process on sheriff; appearing as attorney prohibited. Every paper required by law to be served on the county sheriff may be served on him in person or left at his office during business hours. No sheriff or deputy shall appear or advise as attorney or counselor in any case in any court.
18-3-606. Duty to preserve peace. Each county sheriff and deputy shall preserve the peace in the respective counties and suppress all affrays, riots, unlawful assemblies and insurrections. Each sheriff or deputy sheriff may call upon any person to assist in performing these duties or for the service of process in civil and criminal cases or […]
18-3-607. Cash book to be kept by sheriff as ex officio county collector; entries to be made; inspection; receipts; penalties. (a) Every county sheriff as ex officio county collector shall have and keep in his office a cash book in which shall be entered all monies paid him by virtue of his office, together with […]
18-3-608. Fees generally. (a) For the serving of process according to the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure, each county sheriff shall receive from the party requesting service a single fee, to be determined and set by the board of county commissioners after a public hearing, paid in advance to be credited to the county general […]
18-3-609. Other duties. (a) Each county sheriff shall: (i) Pay and account for all monies which come into his office, as provided by law; (ii) Deliver to his successor in office or other person authorized by law to receive them all monies, books, papers and other property belonging to his office; (iii) Be the official […]
18-3-610. Custodian of jail when sheriff imprisoned. When the sheriff is committed to the jail of his county, the board of county commissioners shall appoint a special deputy sheriff to act as custodian thereof during the time the sheriff remains a prisoner.
18-3-611. Sheriff’s office employees; removal from office; hearings. (a) This section applies to sworn nonprobationary, full-time deputies of a sheriff’s department which employs at least twenty (20) sworn, full-time deputies. Except as provided by subsection (d) of this section, this section does not apply to any member of the executive staff. As used in this […]