22-12-101. Designation and notice of polling places; external location; change in location. (a) Polling places shall be designated by the county clerk, who shall publish their location at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county within two (2) weeks prior to a statewide election. Polling places may be located outside of […]
22-12-102. Schools to be available for polling places. School and community college districts shall make schools available for polling places if an authority conducting an election determines that use of schools is necessary.
22-12-103. Furnishing of booths. The county clerk in all elections shall furnish each polling place with sufficient booths, paper ballots or voting machines and supplies to permit convenient and secret marking of ballots.
22-12-104. Printed instruction cards. The county clerk shall provide printed instruction cards to guide electors preparing ballots. These cards shall be printed in large clear type and indicate how to obtain a ballot, how to prepare the ballot for deposit in the ballot box, how to obtain a new ballot in place of one spoiled, […]
22-12-105. Posting instruction card and sample ballot. Before the polls are opened, the judges of election shall post in each booth one (1) instruction card. They shall post elsewhere in the polling place at least one (1) instruction card and one (1) sample ballot.
22-12-106. Contents of voting booths. Voting booths shall contain nothing except voting instructions and materials necessary for marking ballots.
22-12-107. Materials for judges. (a) Before election day the county clerk shall cause to be delivered to one (1) of the judges of election in each polling place the following materials: (i) Pollbooks; (ii) At any election specified in W.S. 22-2-101(a)(i) through (viii), registration applications; (iii) A map of the precinct boundaries; (iv) Ballot boxes […]
22-12-108. Delivery of ballots and stamps; breaking of seals. Ballots shall be delivered under seal or otherwise properly secured and a receipt therefor signed by a judge of election shall be filed with the county clerk. Seals shall be broken on the morning of election day by the chief judge in the presence of the […]
22-12-110. Supplies for voting machines. (a) When voting machines are used the county clerk shall have an appropriate official deliver to a judge of election in each polling place, before the day of election, the following supplies: (i) The key to each machine sealed in an envelope; (ii) Repealed By Laws 2013, Ch. 31, § […]
22-12-112. Procedure for preparing voting machines for use. Before the polls open the judges shall compare ballots on the voting machines with the sample ballots and return sheets to see that they are correct, place the voting machine in a proper position free from obstruction and assure that the face of the machine may be […]
22-12-113. Setting of registering counters. The judges shall see that all registering counters are set at zero (00000) and that the voting machines are in proper condition. If the machine is equipped with a mechanical or photographic printout device, the election board shall determine that counters are set at zero (00000) by using the printout […]
22-12-114. Certification of voting machines. The judges shall certify that keys are delivered, that numbers on registering counters and seals correspond with those on key envelopes, that counters are set at zero (00000) or counts certified, that ballots are proper and that the machines are ready for voting.
22-12-115. Examination of ballot box. Before the polls are open, the judges of election shall open and examine the ballot box to determine that it is empty and relock it. The ballot box shall not again be opened until the polls are closed, except when necessitated by operation of the voting equipment at the direction […]