22-14-103. Counting in paper ballot precincts; discrepancies. Unless otherwise validated by a canvassing board pursuant to W.S. 22-13-105, ballots not initialed by a judge of election or county clerk shall not be counted. If the number of ballots is not equal to the number of voters entered in the pollbook as having voted that ballot, […]
22-14-104. Entry of paper ballot votes. Paper ballots shall be opened by the counting board and every vote for a candidate or ballot proposition shall be entered on a list. A vote which is not clearly marked shall not be tallied for that office or question but votes clearly marked on the remainder of the […]
22-14-105. Vote tallying in voting machine polling places. (a) In voting machine polling places, the judges of election shall cast all remaining absentee ballots on a voting machine in the manner prescribed by W.S. 22-9-121 and shall lock and seal the voting machines. They shall certify in writing that the machine was locked and sealed, […]
22-14-107. Tabulation of count. The unofficial tabulation indicating the vote by precinct shall immediately be transmitted by the county clerk to the secretary of state. These unofficial tabulations shall be tabulated by the secretary of the state. The secretary of state shall provide procedures for such transmittal through rule and regulation.
22-14-110. Sealing paper ballots and voting machine records. Paper ballots shall be sealed by the election judges in an envelope after being counted and tallied, unless the ballots are being counted at a central counting center as authorized by W.S. 22-14-114(b). One (1) copy of each voting machine record shall be sealed in a separate […]
22-14-111. Returning records and returns to clerk. (a) Unless the votes are being counted at a central counting center as authorized by W.S. 22-14-114(b), election judges shall, as soon as possible after the tabulation of votes is complete, return by messenger to the clerk who prepared the ballots for the election the following records and […]
22-14-113. Return of voting machine keys and supplies. (a) Keys to voting machines shall be returned to the county clerk in an envelope sealed and signed by an election judge and endorsed by an election judge of a different political party affiliation. On this envelope shall be recorded the number of the seal with which […]
22-14-114. Counting of ballots. (a) For ballots designed to be counted by machine, each individual vote shall be determined by the voting equipment and shall not be determined subjectively by human tabulation except when the intent of the voter is unmistakable but the ballot was received in such damaged, soiled, or other condition that it […]