22-21-101. Political Subdivision Bond Election Law. This chapter including W.S. 22-21-101 through 22-21-112, shall be known as the “Political Subdivision Bond Election Law,” and each election required by law to authorize the issuance of bonds shall be conducted under the provisions hereof, except that statewide bond elections shall be conducted as provided in W.S. 22-21-201.
22-21-103. How bond question to be submitted to electors; contents. Each bond question shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the political subdivision. Every bond election shall be held on the same day as a primary election or a general election, or on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in […]
22-21-104. Publication or posting of election notice; contents. Between one hundred one (101) and ninety-one (91) days before a bond election held in conjunction with a primary or other August election and between ninety (90) and seventy (70) days before a bond election held in conjunction with a May, general or other November election, the […]
22-21-105. Election districts. The political subdivision may be divided by the governing body into convenient subdivisions for the purpose of such election or the governing body may adopt the election districts and precincts established for general or other elections.
22-21-106. Errors. No error in any election on the creation of an indebtedness shall invalidate the election, unless it is determined that the error would change the result.
22-21-107. Contests; procedure. Any five (5) qualified electors of the political subdivision may contest an election on the question of the creation of an indebtedness upon filing in the district court of any county in which the political subdivision is wholly or partially located, within fourteen (14) days after the result of the election shall […]
22-21-108. Who is entitled to vote. Any qualified elector in the political subdivision shall be entitled to vote on the bond question in person or by absentee ballot, for the precinct in which he is registered, as provided by law.
22-21-109. Supplies; regulations; costs. The county clerk may utilize voting machines or electronic voting systems at any bond election and may prescribe the form of the ballot, the duties of election officials, and other reasonable regulations pertaining thereto. The political subdivision holding the bond election shall pay the actual costs of the election or an […]
22-21-110. Ballot canvass; results certified; declaration; effect of defeat. Immediately after the closing of the polls, the counting board shall proceed to count the ballots. The results disclosed by the count shall be certified by the counting board to the clerk of the political subdivision. If the majority of the ballots cast on a bond […]
22-21-111. Authority granted. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as authorizing any type of project or the issuance of bonds for any purpose not otherwise authorized by the laws specifically applicable to the political subdivision in question.
22-21-112. Effect on prior bond elections. This act shall have no effect on any bond election heretofore conducted, and any bonds authorized at such an election which have not been delivered may be sold and delivered as if this act had not been adopted.