Section 22-29-101 – Short Title.
22-29-101. Short title. This chapter may be cited as the “Special District Elections Act of 1994.”
22-29-101. Short title. This chapter may be cited as the “Special District Elections Act of 1994.”
22-29-102. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) “Director” or “district director” means a voting member of the governing body of a special district, regardless of what title is used in the principal act; (ii) “Principal act” means the statutes under which a special district listed under W.S. 22-29-103(a) can be formed or is […]
22-29-103. Applicability to special districts; general provisions. (a) This act applies to the following districts as specified in subsection (b) of this section: (i) Special cemetery districts; (ii) Conservation districts; (iii) Fire protection districts, including county commission fire protection districts; (iv) Flood control districts; (v) Hospital districts; (vi) Improvement and service districts; (vii) Special museum […]
22-29-104. Definitions when principal act is silent. (a) When used in a principal act, the following definitions apply, unless the term is otherwise specifically defined in that principal act: (i) “Elector” means a qualified elector; (A) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 115, § 5. (B) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 115, § 5. (C) Repealed […]
22-29-105. Petitions; number of signatures required; contents of formation petition. (a) A petition to form a special district shall be signed by not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the landowners owning at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the assessed valuation of property within the area proposed to be established as a special district in […]
22-29-106. Requirements for signers of petition; signer’s withdrawal prohibited; chief petitioners designated. (a) This section applies to petitions authorized under a principal act or this act. Each person who signs a petition shall add after the signature the date of signing. If a person is signing the petition as an elector, the person shall add […]
22-29-107. Requirements of filing petition; validity and certification of signatures. (a) A petition shall not be accepted for filing unless the signatures thereon have been secured within six (6) months of the date on which the first signature on the petition was affixed. Petitions required to be filed with the county commissioners shall be filed […]
22-29-108. Method of determining validity of landowner signatures. (a) In examining any petition required or permitted to be signed by landowners, the county clerk or district secretary shall disregard the signature of a person not shown as owner on the assessment roll unless prior to certification the secretary or county clerk is furnished with written […]
22-29-109. County commissioners’ action on formation petition. (a) A petition for formation of a district shall be filed with the county commissioners. Before the petition is filed, the county assessor and the department of revenue shall review, within sixty (60) days of receiving notice of the petition, the boundaries of the proposed district for any […]
22-29-110. County clerk to publish proclamation; filing period. (a) Between one hundred one (101) and ninety-one (91) days before an organizational election held in conjunction with a primary or other August election, between ninety (90) and seventy (70) days before an organizational election held in conjunction with a May, general, November or mail ballot election […]
22-29-111. Formation and initial director election. (a) The electors shall vote on the formation of the district and for the initial directors. Votes for write-in candidates for director shall be permitted. (b) The election shall be conducted under the direction of the county clerk and shall be at the expense of the sponsors of the […]
22-29-112. Subsequent director elections. (a) Subsequent director elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the third Monday in March or on the Tuesday next following the first Monday in May or November, as determined by the district and shall accommodate staggered terms as set forth in the principal act. (b) All qualified electors […]
22-29-113. General provisions relating to special district elections. (a) In a special district election not held in conjunction with a general or statewide special election, absentee voting shall be conducted in accordance with rules promulgated by the secretary of state under W.S. 22-29-114 which shall be consistent with procedures for mail ballot elections. (b) In […]
22-29-114. Election procedures for elections other than mail ballot elections; canvass, recount and contests. (a) The secretary of state, after consultation with the county clerks, shall promulgate rules setting forth election procedures for special districts to follow for the formation and succeeding elections. These rules shall apply to mail ballot elections but shall conform with […]
22-29-115. Mail ballot elections; definitions; general provisions. (a) This section does not apply to a special district election held in conjunction with a primary, general or statewide special election. As used in W.S. 22-29-116: (i) “Election official” means the county clerk for a formation election and a county clerk or district secretary for other elections; […]
22-29-116. Procedures for mail ballot elections. (a) Mail ballot elections shall be overseen by the county clerk as provided in W.S. 22-29-113(m). Official ballots shall be prepared and all other preelection procedures followed as otherwise provided by law or rules promulgated by the secretary of state, except that mail ballot packets shall be prepared in […]
22-29-117. Change of district name. (a) A district may change its name from the name given it in the formation order of the county commissioners, or from the name under which it was otherwise organized, to a name chosen by resolution of a majority of the directors. (b) The directors shall not adopt a resolution […]
22-29-118. Directors; oath of office. All directors, whether elected or appointed, shall, within ten (10) business days after notification of election or appointment, take the oath of office provided in Wyoming constitution, article VI, section 20, before an officer authorized to administer oaths. The director shall also complete the written oath and without delay transmit […]
22-29-119. District officers; meeting of board; conflict of interest. Each year the board of directors shall as soon as they are qualified elect a president, treasurer and secretary of the district. The board of directors shall hold regular and may hold special meetings as they determine. No trustee shall be directly interested financially in any […]