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Home » US Law » 2022 Wyoming Statutes » Title 22 - Elections » Chapter 3 - Registration

Section 22-3-101 – When Required; Prior Registration in Effect.

22-3-101. When required; prior registration in effect. (a) Registration is required before a person may vote. (i) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, § 5. (ii) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, § 5. (iii) Repealed By Laws 1998, ch. 100, § 5. (b) Any voter legally registered prior to May 25, 1973, is considered […]

Section 22-3-102 – Qualifications; Temporary Registration.

22-3-102. Qualifications; temporary registration. (a) A person may register to vote not less than fourteen (14) days before an election, at any election specified in W.S. 22-2-101(a)(i) through (viii) or as provided by W.S. 22-3-117, who satisfies the following qualifications: (i) He is a citizen of the United States; (ii) He will be at least […]

Section 22-3-103 – Furnishing of Oath Forms; Contents Thereof.

22-3-103. Furnishing of oath forms; contents thereof. (a) The county clerk shall furnish voter registration oath forms to registry agents which forms shall require the following voter information from the applicant: (i) His full legal name; (ii) His current residence address or if living temporarily in another state or nation, his last residence address in […]

Section 22-3-106 – Request for Voter Registration Withdrawal; Form.

22-3-106. Request for voter registration withdrawal; form. If a voter registration applicant affirms that he is registered in another county or state, the registry agent shall require that the applicant make a written withdrawal of voter registration from another county or state on the Wyoming registration application.

Section 22-3-108 – Official Registry List Information.

22-3-108. Official registry list information. (a) The official registry list shall contain at least the following information as to each registered elector: (i) Name in full; (ii) Residence by street number and name, if any; (iii) Voting district and precinct numbers; (iv) Party affiliation, if declared; (v) House and senate district numbers; (vi) Date of […]

Section 22-3-110 – Expense of Preparing Poll Lists.

22-3-110. Expense of preparing poll lists. The expense of preparing poll lists required by law to be provided by the county clerk in combined statewide political subdivision elections, shall be shared on an equitable basis by the governmental entities participating in the election. The expense of preparing other poll lists shall be paid by the […]

Section 22-3-111 – Preparation and Contents of Pollbooks.

22-3-111. Preparation and contents of pollbooks. (a) The county clerk shall prepare the necessary pollbooks for statewide and political subdivision elections held on the same date. The pollbooks shall contain the poll lists. (b) Pollbooks shall be prepared for special district elections by the officials in charge of such elections. The county clerk shall furnish […]

Section 22-3-112 – Pollbook Distribution; Entering Information.

22-3-112. Pollbook distribution; entering information. Before the polls open, the county clerk shall distribute the pollbooks to the judges of election in the respective polling places. The judges of election shall enter in pollbooks all information required by law.

Section 22-3-113 – Disposition of Pollbooks After Polls Close.

22-3-113. Disposition of pollbooks after polls close. (a) After the polls are closed, judges of the election shall make printed pollbooks agree and shall return one (1) pollbook to the county clerk. (b) When electronic pollbooks are used, they shall be returned to the county clerk.

Section 22-3-114 – Notification by Registered Elector of Name or Address Change.

22-3-114. Notification by registered elector of name or address change. A registered elector who changes his name or changes his residence from one address to another within the same county shall notify the county clerk of the change, including in the notification the name, address, precinct and social security number (optional) under which registered and […]

Section 22-3-115 – Grounds for Cancellation of Registration.

22-3-115. Grounds for cancellation of registration. (a) A registered elector’s registration shall be cancelled for any one (1) of the following reasons: (i) Failure to vote in any general election; (ii) Death; (iii) Removal of residence from the county or state more than thirty (30) days prior to an election; (iv) Disqualification to vote; (v) […]

Section 22-3-116 – Notice of Intent to Cancel Registration.

22-3-116. Notice of intent to cancel registration. When the county clerk has information that a registration should be cancelled, he shall mail a notice of intent to cancel to the elector at his address on the registry list stating the reason for cancellation. The notice shall state that cancellation shall occur within twenty (20) days […]

Section 22-3-117 – Absentee Registration Generally; Use of Federal Postcard.

22-3-117. Absentee registration generally; use of federal postcard. (a) Notwithstanding any other section or provision in this chapter, any citizen of the United States who is a resident of Wyoming may apply for registration by providing the information required by W.S. 22-3-103(a) and acceptable identification to and completing and subscribing, the form of voter registration […]

Section 22-3-118 – Proof of Identity.

22-3-118. Proof of identity. (a) Unless a voter is challenged pursuant to W.S. 22-15-101 through 22-15-109, no identification shall be required when: (i) Voting by absentee ballot after having registered in person; or (ii) Voting by absentee ballot after having registered by mail and having submitted a copy of the person’s acceptable identification, as set […]