25-8-101. Purpose. Except as otherwise authorized by rules and regulations promulgated in accordance with W.S. 9-2-106(d), the purpose of the pioneer home and the Wyoming retirement center is to provide a place for the care and maintenance of residents of this state who are afflicted with the infirmities of old age.
25-8-102. Powers and duties of department of health. (a) The department of health may: (i) Construct, maintain, equip, operate and manage the pioneer home and the Wyoming retirement center; (ii) Purchase, rent or otherwise provide the equipment, materials or supplies necessary to carry out the purposes hereof; (iii) Dispose of equipment, materials and supplies no […]
25-8-103. Conditions for admission; charges for care. Admission to the pioneer home and the Wyoming retirement center shall be voluntary and only upon prior approval by the department of health. Indigent aged persons may be cared for without charge. Nonindigent aged persons may be cared for under terms and conditions fixed by the department pursuant […]
25-8-104. Receipt and disposition of revenues and gifts. (a) All revenues received from the operation of the pioneer home and from gifts given for the general purpose of the pioneer home shall be paid over to the state treasurer and deposited in the general fund. Gifts given for a specific purpose shall be kept in […]