27-3-301. Definitions. (a) As used in this article: (i) “Additional benefits” means benefits payable under state law to exhaustees due to high unemployment conditions or other special factors and totally financed by any state; (ii) “Applicable benefit year” means an individual’s most recent benefit year or an individual’s current benefit year if at the time […]
27-3-302. Payment; liability. (a) Benefits provided by this article are payable from the unemployment compensation fund established by W.S. 27-3-201. All benefits shall be paid through department offices in accordance with regulations of the commission. (b) The department is liable for benefit payments only to the extent provided by this act and to the extent […]
27-3-303. Weekly amount; computation; payment. (a) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, the weekly benefit amount for an eligible individual is four percent (4%) of his total wages payable for insured work in that quarter of his base period in which his wages were highest computed to the next lower multiple of one dollar […]
27-3-304. Maximum payment. Except as provided by W.S. 27-3-316, the maximum amount of benefits payable to any eligible individual in a benefit year shall not exceed twenty-six (26) times his weekly benefit or thirty percent (30%) of his wages payable for insured work in his base period, whichever is less. This amount shall be computed […]
27-3-305. Disclosure of child support obligations required; notification; amount withheld; payment; applicability of provisions. (a) An individual filing a new claim for benefits payable under this act shall disclose if he owes child support obligations enforced pursuant to a plan described in 42 U.S.C. § 654 and approved under 42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq. […]
27-3-306. Eligibility requirements; waiver or amendment authorized; unemployed waiting period; registration and referral for suitable work. (a) An unemployed individual is eligible for benefits under this article for any week if he: (i) Registers for work with the department of workforce services and actively seeks work in accordance with regulations of the commission, unless he […]
27-3-307. Eligibility when enrolled in approved training program; standards for training program approval. (a) Notwithstanding W.S. 27-3-306(a)(i) and (iii) or 27-3-311(a)(ii) and (iii) or any federal law relating to availability for, active search for, failure to apply for or refusal to accept suitable work, an otherwise eligible individual is eligible for benefits for any week […]
27-3-308. Services excluded for eligibility. (a) An individual is not eligible for benefits based on service: (i) In an instructional, research or principal administrative capacity for an educational institution for any week of unemployment beginning between two (2) successive academic years, two (2) regular terms whether or not successive or during a paid sabbatical leave […]
27-3-309. Eligibility of aliens; standard of proof required. (a) Benefits shall not be payable on the basis of services performed by an alien unless the alien was lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States at the time the services were performed, was lawfully present for purposes of performing the services, or was permanently […]
27-3-310. Eligibility after receiving worker’s compensation. Notwithstanding requirements for the base period and other compensation factors provided under this act, an individual receiving compensation under the Wyoming Worker’s Compensation Act for a continuous period of sickness or injury resulting in temporary total disability and otherwise eligible for benefits under this article may preserve unused wage […]
27-3-311. Disqualifications from entitlement; grounds; forfeiture. (a) An individual shall be disqualified from benefit entitlement beginning with the effective date of an otherwise valid claim or the week during which the failure occurred, until he has been employed in an employee-employer relationship and has earned at least eight (8) times the weekly benefit amount of […]
27-3-312. Determination of suitable work. (a) In determining if work is suitable for purposes of W.S. 27-3-311(a), the department shall consider: (i) The risk involved to an individual’s health, safety and morals; (ii) The individual’s physical fitness; (iii) The length of unemployment of the individual; (iv) The prospects for securing local employment in the individual’s […]
27-3-313. Other grounds for disqualification. (a) For any week with respect to which the following situations occur or payments have been or will be received, an individual shall be disqualified from benefit entitlement if: (i) Total or part total unemployment for any week is due to work stoppage resulting from a labor dispute on the […]
27-3-314. Extended benefit period; state “on” and “off” indicators; notice. (a) An extended benefit period begins with the third week following a week in which there is a state “on” indicator and ends with the third week after the first week in which there is a state “off” indicator or the thirteenth consecutive week of […]
27-3-315. When individual deemed exhaustee; matters excluded from determination of regular benefits. (a) An individual is an exhaustee under this article for any week of unemployment in his eligibility period if he has: (i) Received prior to that week all regular benefits available to him under this article or any other state law in his […]
27-3-316. Applicability of regular claim and payment provisions to extended benefits; determination of amount. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this article and regulation of the commission, regular benefit claim and payment provisions of this act apply to extended benefits. (b) An eligible individual’s weekly extended benefit amount for a week of total unemployment in […]
27-3-317. Eligibility for extended benefits; exceptions; qualifications. (a) An individual is eligible for extended benefits under this article for any week of unemployment in his eligibility period if for that week he qualifies as an exhaustee under W.S. 27-3-315 and meets regular benefit eligibility requirements of this article. (b) Except as provided in subsection (a) […]
27-3-318. Payment of benefits accrued by deceased. The department may pay benefits accrued under this article by a deceased individual to his surviving spouse, children or parents without letters testamentary or letters of administration.
27-3-319. Waiver agreements void; exception; assignments void; exemption from levy. (a) Except as provided by W.S. 27-3-305, 27-3-320 and 27-3-321, any agreement to waive, release or commute benefit rights or any other rights under this act is void and any agreement by any employed individual to pay any portion of an employer’s contribution required by […]
27-3-320. Benefit withholding for federal income taxes; department notification; procedure; withholding status election. (a) The department shall at the time of filing, advise an individual filing an initial claim for benefits payable under this act that: (i) Benefits are subject to federal income tax; (ii) Estimated federal income tax payments are required by the federal […]