27-3-401. Filing notice and electronic communications. (a) Benefit claims shall be filed in accordance with regulations of the commission. (b) Employers shall post information on benefit rights in locations accessible to employed individuals. Copies of regulations and information on benefit rights shall be supplied by the department at no cost. (c) A claimant or employer […]
27-3-402. Determination; generally; referral to special examiner; redetermination; notice; appeal. (a) Determination of a claim filed pursuant to W.S. 27-3-401(a) shall be made promptly by a deputy designated by the department. If a claim is denied, the determination shall state the reasons for denial. Except as provided by subsection (c) of this section, a determination […]
27-3-403. Determination; disputed claims; hearing; decision; notice. (a) The commission shall appoint an impartial appeal tribunal to hear and decide disputed claims. The tribunal shall be a salaried examiner or a body consisting of three (3) members, one (1) a salaried examiner serving as chairman, one (1) a representative of employers and one (1) a […]
27-3-404. Determination; review by commission; disposition; notice; reconsideration. (a) The commission may within twenty-eight (28) days after notice is mailed or delivered: (i) Review a decision of an appeal tribunal; (ii) Review a determination of a special examiner; or (iii) Grant an appeal from a decision upon application filed by any party entitled to notice. […]
27-3-405. Conduct of hearing or appeal; consolidation of claims; record; witness expenses. (a) A hearing or appeal before a tribunal under this article shall be conducted in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act. (b) Hearings on claims by more than one (1) individual or on claims by an individual for two (2) or more […]
27-3-406. Determinations deemed conclusive; matters of law binding; limiting actions. (a) Except for reconsideration pursuant to W.S. 27-3-402(c) and 27-3-404(d), a right, fact or matter in issue adjudicated in a final determination, redetermination or decision on appeal under this article is conclusive for purposes of this act. Subject to appeal proceedings and judicial review and […]
27-3-407. Right to judicial review; appeal to supreme court; entry of order by commission. (a) Any person aggrieved or adversely affected by a final decision under this act may obtain judicial review by filing a petition for review with the district court of jurisdiction. Review by the court shall be as provided by the Wyoming […]
27-3-408. Right of department and commission to notice and representation; fees; access to records. (a) The department and commission shall be treated as one (1) party entitled to notice in any proceeding before a special examiner, an appeal tribunal or a court of appeal. In any proceeding for judicial review under W.S. 27-3-407, the department […]
27-3-409. Payment of benefits upon determination; repayment of overpaid benefits; penalty. (a) Benefits shall be paid in accordance with a determination, redetermination or decision until modified or reversed by a subsequent or pending redetermination or decision. A proceeding for judicial review under this article shall not operate as a supersedeas or stay nor shall the […]