28-1-101. President of senate to preside over joint sessions; powers. Whenever the senate and house of representatives of the legislature of the state of Wyoming shall meet in joint session, for the transaction of any business whatsoever, the duly elected and qualified president of the senate shall preside over the deliberations of any such joint […]
28-1-103. Additional employees. At any time during the session of the legislature when the employment of additional persons may be necessary for the efficient performance of the duties imposed upon the legislature, the senate and house of representatives are hereby authorized to employ such additional employees. All persons employed by either house shall at all […]
28-1-105. Preservation of records. The original minutes, receipt books and miscellaneous records of the state legislature deposited with the secretary of state shall be retained by the secretary of state for a period of three (3) years. The original house bills and senate files shall be retained by the secretary of state for ten (10) […]
28-1-106. Resignation of office. Resignation of the office of a member of the senate or house of representatives shall be made to the governor, who shall immediately notify the state central committee of the party which the member represented at the time of his election under W.S. 22-6-120(a)(vii), or at the time of his appointment […]
28-1-107. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) “Committee” means any duly constituted committee of the legislature, any standing committee of either house of the legislature, joint interim committee of the legislature, special investigating committee established by joint resolution of the legislature and the committees established by W.S. 28-11-101, 28-11-201 and 28-11-301; (ii) “Council” […]
28-1-108. Oaths. Any Wyoming legislator or designated staff members of the legislature are empowered to administer oaths to witnesses in any matter under investigation by the legislature, council, or committee.
28-1-109. Issuance and service of subpoena; privilege of witness; witness fees and expenses. (a) The presiding officer of either house of the legislature, the council, or a committee may issue a subpoena upon request of a majority of the members of the body. Subpoenas also may be issued on behalf of the management audit committee […]
28-1-110. Failure to appear; refusal to testify or produce documents; disturbances. (a) Any person having been subpoenaed as a witness by the authority of the legislature, council or committee to give testimony or produce books, papers or other documents relevant to the matter under inquiry before the legislature, council, or any committee, who fails to […]
28-1-111. Certification of violations for prosecution. Whenever any witness subpoenaed to appear or produce documents before the legislature, council, or any committee, fails to appear to testify, refuses to be sworn, fails to answer any question relevant to matter under inquiry, fails to produce any book, paper or other document relevant to the matter under […]
28-1-112. Court order to appear to testify or produce documents. In case of refusal to obey a subpoena issued by the legislature, council, or any committee, the presiding officer of the body shall apply to the district court for the district in which the proceedings are being held, for an order requiring the person to […]
28-1-113. Joint meetings of legislative standing committees; introduction and passage of budget bill. (a) The joint appropriations committee shall sit in open sessions while considering the budget and shall begin meetings not less than twenty (20) days prior to the convening of the budget session. The joint committee may cause the attendance of the heads […]
28-1-115. Submission of state agency plans to legislature; contents; purposes. (a) To assist the legislature in its deliberations, every state agency shall: (i) No later than December 1, 1994, prepare and thereafter maintain a statement of policies and statutory authority that guide the programs, activities and functions of the agency. The plan shall specify those […]
28-1-116. Continuous planning; performance budgeting. (a) On or before July 1, 1995, and by March 31 of each odd-numbered year thereafter, the governor shall define state goals and objectives in the following areas: (i) Education; (ii) Regulatory and economic development; (iii) Natural resources; (iv) Health; (v) Human services; (vi) Transportation; (vii) Public safety and corrections; […]
28-1-118. Legislative review of state revenue distribution formulae; reports required. The joint revenue interim committee shall submit a report to the governor and legislature by December 1, 2004, and by December 1 of each fourth year thereafter, reviewing the distribution formulae for federal mineral royalties, severance taxes and inheritance taxes. The report shall indicate whether […]