41-3-801. Petition for establishment; notice of election; qualifications of voters; conduct of election. A flood control district may be established under the procedures for petitioning, hearing and election of special districts, and subsequent elections shall be held, as set forth in the Special District Elections Act of 1994. The petition and notice of publication shall […]
41-3-802. Election of board of directors; number; term; quorum; bond; powers and duties generally; election of officers. (a) If the formation of the district is approved the board of county commissioners shall enter a finding to that effect upon its records after which the district shall be considered to be established and shall be empowered […]
41-3-803. Special tax authorized; power of board to enter into cooperative agreements; authority to make rules and hire employees. (a) The board of county commissioners of the county wherein each district is situated shall, at the time of the annual levy of general taxes, levy an additional special tax upon the real property in the […]