Section 42-6-101 – Short Title.
42-6-101. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Wyoming Long Term Care Choices Act”.
42-6-101. Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Wyoming Long Term Care Choices Act”.
42-6-102. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) “Adult foster care” means care in a home licensed as an adult foster home and care provided to a resident of the home while temporarily away from the adult foster home; (ii) “Adult foster care home” means any family home or facility in which residential care […]
42-6-103. Rulemaking; guidance. The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to implement this act. The rules and regulations shall seek to implement the objectives of this act by expanding the long term care system to one emphasizing consumer choice and home, home like and community based care alternatives.
42-6-104. Alternative long term care home pilot programs authorized. (a) Three (3) pilot program grants are authorized to study the feasibility of innovation in long term care facilities. Eligible recipients shall include cities, counties and any entity planning for long term care needs or providing long term care including private nonprofit and private for profit […]
42-6-105. Adult foster care homes; licensure; suspension or revocation. (a) The department may initiate and license an adult foster care pilot project subject to the following: (i) The applicant shall pay a one-time fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) which shall be deposited in the general fund; (ii) The department, a public health nurse or […]
42-6-106. Home and community based waiver program expanded; requirements. (a) Repealed By Laws 2013, Ch. 117, § 2. (b) The department is authorized to increase the provider reimbursement levels by an amount up to three dollars ($3.00) per hour for hourly services or seventeen and six-tenths percent (17.6%) above the prevailing rate for nonhourly services […]
42-6-107. Assisted living expansion; reimbursement increase. The department shall seek federal approval to increase the number of allowed slots in the assisted living Medicaid waiver from one hundred forty-six (146) to one hundred sixty-eight (168) slots.
42-6-108. Adult day care. The department shall investigate adult day care providers in Wyoming with respect to access, rates, administration of rules and regulations and their impact on providers and clients, and shall report its findings to the joint labor, health and social services interim committee and to the advisory council on aging. The report […]
42-6-109. Aging and disability resource centers. (a) The department is authorized, using competitive grants and contracts, to fund a statewide network of aging and disability resource centers. (b) Locations of the aging and disability resource centers shall be determined by the department of health, aging division. In selecting locations for aging and disability resource centers, […]