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Home » US Law » 2022 Nevada Revised Statutes » TITLE 17—STATE LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT » Chapter 220 - Revision of Statutes » CERTIFICATION AND CITATION OF NEVADA REVISED STATUTES AS OFFICIAL CODIFIED LAW » NRS 220.170 – Certification of NRS and supplements; citation of NRS as official codified version of Statutes of Nevada and prima facie evidence of law; form of citations to NRS.

1. The master copy of Nevada Revised Statutes, as printed and bound in accordance with NRS 220.130, must contain a certificate of the Director of the Statute Revision Commission that the Director has compared each section thereof with the original section of the enrolled bill by which Nevada Revised Statutes was adopted and enacted, and that the sections in the published edition are correctly copied. All other printed and bound copies of Nevada Revised Statutes must contain a copy of the certificate.

2. Each set of replacement or supplementary pages, prepared in accordance with NRS 220.160 and published before January 1, 1963, for inclusion in the master copy of Nevada Revised Statutes, must be accompanied by a certificate of the Director of the Statute Revision Commission, and each set published after January 1, 1963, by a certificate of the Legislative Counsel, that such person has compared each section thereof with the original section of the enrolled bill, and that, with the exception of the changes authorized by law, the sections set forth in the replacement or supplementary pages are correctly copied. All other sets of replacement or supplementary pages must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate. All such certificates must be inserted in the bound copies of Nevada Revised Statutes in chronological order immediately following the initial certificate of the Director.

3. Copies of Nevada Revised Statutes, as printed, published, revised, supplemented and certified in accordance with this chapter, constitute the official codified version of Statutes of Nevada and may be cited as prima facie evidence of the law in all of the courts of this state. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, that evidence may be rebutted by proof that the statutes cited differ from the official Statutes of Nevada. That evidence may not be rebutted by proof that the statutes differ from the official Statutes of Nevada in a manner authorized pursuant to NRS 220.120.

4. Nevada Revised Statutes and its component parts may be cited as follows:

(a) Nevada Revised Statutes: NRS

(b) A title: title 00 of NRS

(c) A chapter: chapter 000 of NRS

(d) A section: NRS 000.000

[13:304:1951; A 1953, 388]—(NRS A 1957, 5; 1963, 1024; 1967, 35; 1989, 1167; 2003, 328)