There shall be a county, to be known as Lyon County, to include all that part of the State of Nevada within the boundaries described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Washoe County; thence following the north line of Carson City in a southeasterly direction to the Half Way House, between Silver City and the urban service district of Carson City; thence following the line of Carson City to Douglas County; thence following the northerly boundary of Douglas County to the 119th meridian of west longitude; thence north 5 miles; thence, by direct line, northwesterly to a point on the Carson River 1 mile below Reed’s Station; thence north 3 miles; thence westerly by a direct line to the southern boundary of the Gold Hill Mining District, but running so as to include in this county the Devil’s Gate Toll House; thence, continuing westerly in the same course, to the eastern boundary of Washoe County; and thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Washoe County to the place of beginning.
[5:24:1861; B § 4055; cited BH § 5013; cited C § 5101; RL § 1445; NCL § 1869]—(NRS A 1969, 320)