The powers and duties of the Chief are:
1. To appraise the quantity and quality of services rendered by each agency in the Executive Department of the State Government, and the needs for such services and for any new services.
2. To develop plans for improvements and economies in organization and operation of the Executive Department, and to install such plans as are approved by the respective heads of the various agencies of the Executive Department, or as are directed to be installed by the Governor or the Legislature.
3. To cooperate with the State Public Works Division of the Department of Administration in developing comprehensive, long-range plans for capital improvements and the means for financing them.
4. To devise and prescribe the forms for reports on the operations of the agencies in the Executive Department to be required periodically from the several agencies in the Executive Department, and to require the several agencies to make such reports.
5. To prepare the executive budget report for the Governor’s approval and submission to the Legislature.
6. To prepare a proposed budget for the Executive Department of the State Government for the next 2 fiscal years, which must:
(a) Present a complete financial plan for the next 2 fiscal years;
(b) Set forth all proposed expenditures for the administration, operation and maintenance of the departments, institutions and agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government, including those operating on funds designated for specific purposes by the Constitution or otherwise, which must include a separate statement of:
(1) The anticipated expense, including personnel, for the operation and maintenance of each capital improvement to be constructed during the next 2 fiscal years and of each capital improvement constructed on or after July 1, 1999, which is to be used during those fiscal years or a future fiscal year; and
(2) The proposed source of funding for the operation and maintenance of each capital improvement, including personnel, to be constructed during the next 2 fiscal years;
(c) Set forth all charges for interest and debt redemption during the next 2 fiscal years;
(d) Set forth all expenditures for capital projects to be undertaken and executed during the next 2 fiscal years, and which must, to the extent practicable, provide that each capital project which exceeds a cost of $10,000,000 be scheduled to receive funding for design and planning during one biennium and funding for construction in the subsequent biennium; and
(e) Set forth the anticipated revenues of the State Government, and any other additional means of financing the expenditures proposed for the next 2 fiscal years.
7. To examine and approve work programs and allotments to the several agencies in the Executive Department, and changes therein.
8. To examine and approve statements and reports on the estimated future financial condition and the operations of the agencies in the Executive Department of the State Government and the several budgetary units that have been prepared by those agencies and budgetary units, before the reports are released to the Governor, to the Legislature or for publication.
9. To receive and deal with requests for information as to the budgetary status and operations of the executive agencies of the State Government.
10. To prepare such statements of unit costs and other statistics relating to cost as may be required from time to time, or requested by the Governor or the Legislature.
11. To do and perform such other and further duties relative to the development and submission of an adequate proposed budget for the Executive Department of the State Government of the State of Nevada as the Governor may require.
[8:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.08]—(NRS A 1959, 209; 1961, 388; 1963, 490, 1285; 1967, 350; 1969, 503; 1973, 907; 1977, 39; 1995, 2811; 1997, 2484, 2705; 1999, 563; 2007, 3274; 2008, 25th Special Session, 3; 2009, 2125; 2011, 2172, 2175)