At the close of business at the end of each month and at any other time, upon demand of the State Treasurer, every depository bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank shall:
1. Furnish the State Treasurer with a statement of the account, verified or certified by an officer of the depository, upon a form to be fixed by the State Treasurer.
2. Return to the State Treasurer:
(a) All paid checks;
(b) Microfilmed copies of such checks; or
(c) Any other evidence of such checks which may be transmitted by a computer and is approved by the State Treasurer.
[4:161:1935; A 1937, 365; 1931 NCL § 7029.04]—(NRS A 1959, 569; 1975, 1804; 1981, 1366; 1983, 750; 1991, 252)