1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, institution or municipality to construct or to operate or continue to operate any public swimming pool, bathhouse, or nudist colony, or any structure intended to be used for swimming or bathing purposes within the State of Nevada without a permit to do so from the health authority.
2. Any person, firm, corporation, institution or municipality desiring to construct or to operate and maintain any public swimming pool, bathhouse or structure intended to be used for swimming or bathing purposes within the State of Nevada shall file an application for permission to do so with the health authority.
3. The application shall state:
(a) The source of water supply.
(b) The amount and quality of water available and intended to be used.
(c) The method and manner of water purification, treatment, disinfection, heating, regulating and cleaning.
(d) The lifesaving apparatus and measures to insure safety of bathers.
(e) The measures to insure personal cleanliness of bathers.
(f) The methods and manner of washing, disinfecting, drying and storing bathing apparel and towels.
(g) All other information and statistics that may be required by the regulations of the State Board of Health or local board of health.
4. Upon receipt of the application, the health authority shall cause an investigation to be made of the proposed or existing pool, and if the health authority determines as a fact that the same is or may reasonably be expected to become unclean or insanitary or may constitute a menace to public health, the health authority shall deny the permit. If the health authority determines as a fact that the same is or may reasonably be expected to be conducted continuously in a clean and sanitary manner and will not constitute a menace to public health, the health authority shall grant the permit under such restrictions as the authority shall deem proper.
[2:38:1935; 1931 NCL § 5313.02]—(NRS A 1963, 954; 1969, 1019)