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Home » US Law » 2022 Nevada Revised Statutes » TITLE 40—PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY » Chapter 450 - County Hospitals and Hospital Districts » Miscellaneous Provisions » NRS 450.810 – Lease of naming rights relating to public hospital; ordinance establishing procedures for lease; enterprise fund for proceeds of lease, fees or charges and other money received for public hospital.

1. The board of county commissioners of a county in which a public hospital is located may adopt, by ordinance, procedures for the lease of naming rights relating to the public hospital, including, without limitation, the lease of naming rights to:

(a) Buildings, improvements, facilities, rooms, features, fixtures and sites located within the boundaries of the public hospital; and

(b) Activities, events, programs, chairs, fellowships and memorials held or established at the public hospital.

2. If a board of county commissioners leases naming rights in accordance with the procedures adopted pursuant to this section, the board shall create an enterprise fund exclusively for the proceeds of the lease of all such naming rights, for fees or charges for use of the hospital and for any gifts, grants, donations, bequests, devises or money from any other source received for the public hospital. Any interest or other income earned on the money in the fund, after deducting any applicable charges, must be credited to the fund. Money that remains in the fund at the end of a fiscal year does not revert to the county general fund and the balance in the fund must be carried forward to the next fiscal year. The money in the fund may only be used to pay for expenses directly related to the costs of the public hospital for construction, improvement, operation, maintenance or programs.

3. The procedures adopted pursuant to subsection 1 must, without limitation:

(a) Prohibit the lease of naming rights for a public hospital to that public hospital;

(b) Provide that the board of county commissioners may reject any name proposed pursuant to a lease of naming rights;

(c) Provide for the development of selection criteria for awarding a lease of naming rights, including procedures for circumstances in which more than one request for the lease of naming rights is submitted to the board of county commissioners;

(d) Provide that the name must be consistent with the mission of the public hospital;

(e) Prohibit the use of a name that:

(1) Is false, misleading or deceptive;

(2) Promotes unlawful or illegal goods, service or activities;

(3) Promotes or encourages hate, violence or antisocial behavior;

(4) Implies an endorsement by the county or a public official of any good, service or activity;

(5) Is libelous or defamatory;

(6) Contains text or an image that is likely to be confused with safety, traffic or emergency signage; or

(7) Is associated with a person who has been convicted of a felony;

(f) Provide that the term of a lease does not exceed 20 years; and

(g) Provide that the board of county commissioners:

(1) Shall require the change of a name authorized pursuant to a lease or revoke a lease before the expiration of its term if a change of circumstances results in a violation of the provisions of paragraph (d) or (e); and

(2) May require the change of a name authorized pursuant to a lease or revoke a lease before the expiration of its term for any other purpose in accordance with the procedures adopted pursuant to subsection 1.

4. The terms of a lease granted pursuant to this section may be renegotiated and renewed. Each such renewal must provide that the term of the lease does not exceed 20 years.

5. A lease of naming rights pursuant to this section and the procedures adopted pursuant thereto are not subject to the requirements for competitive bidding set forth in chapter 332 of NRS.

(Added to NRS by 2009, 2653)