1. The Division shall make no regulation or order, or amendment thereof, except in an emergency, without a public hearing upon at least 10 days’ notice. The public hearing must be held at such time and place as may be prescribed by the Division, and any interested person is entitled to be heard.
2. Any notice required by this chapter must be given by personal service on all interested persons, and if personal service cannot be made, then substituted service may be made in the manner provided for substitute service of process under the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure.
3. The Division may act upon its own motion, or upon the petition of any interested person. On the filing of a petition concerning any matter within the jurisdiction of the Division, the Division shall promptly fix a date for a hearing thereon, and shall cause notice of the hearing to be given. The hearing must be held without undue delay after the filing of the petition. The Division shall enter its order within 30 days after the hearing.
[9:202:1953]—(NRS A 1977, 77, 1159; 1983, 2083; 1993, 1696)