(a) A district shall prepare and submit to the department by November 5 of each fiscal year, in the manner and on forms prescribed by the department, an estimate of its ADM and other student count data, including per school student count data, for the succeeding fiscal year upon which computations can be made to estimate the amount of state aid for which the district may be eligible under AS 14.17.400 in the succeeding fiscal year. In making its report, the district shall consider its ADM, other student count data, the pattern of growth or decline of the student population in preceding years, and other pertinent information available to the district.
(b) Part-time students shall be included in the student count data in accordance with regulations adopted by the department.
(c) When reporting a district’s ADM, a part-time student who is a correspondence student may not be counted as more than one full-time equivalent student.
(d) [Effective July 1, 2023. See delayed amendment note.] Except as provided in (e) – (g) of this section, a student in a district-wide early education program provided by a school district and approved by the department under AS 14.07.020(a)(8) is counted as one-half of a full-time equivalent student.
(e) [Effective July 1, 2023. See delayed repeal note.] A school district may not include in a school’s ADM students who are four and five years of age if the students are enrolled in an early education program that receives state or federal funding other than funding under this chapter.
(f) [Effective July 1, 2023. See delayed repeal note.] A school district may not include in a school’s ADM students who are four and five years of age if inclusion of the students would result in an increase of total state aid attributable to district-wide early education programs approved under AS 14.03.410 of more than $3,000,000 from the previous fiscal year. The department shall prioritize the funding of district-wide early education programs, giving priority to school districts with lower performance, based on the department’s ranking of districts under AS 14.03.410(c). When the number of students in a district-wide early education program will result in an increase of total state aid attributable to district-wide early education programs approved under AS 14.03.410 of more than $3,000,000 from the previous fiscal year, the department may identify the amount, up to $3,000,000, available for the district’s district-wide early education program.
(g) [Effective July 1, 2023. See delayed repeal note.] For purposes of AS 14.09.010, a student in a district-wide early education program provided by a school district and approved by the department under AS 14.07.020(a)(8) is counted as a full-time equivalent student.