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Home » US Law » 2022 Alaska Statutes » Title 15. Elections » Chapter 13. State Election Campaigns » Sec. 15.13.074. Prohibited contributions.

(a) A person, group, or nongroup entity may not make a contribution if the making of the contribution would violate this chapter.

(b) A person or group may not make a contribution anonymously, using a fictitious name, or using the name of another. Individuals, persons, nongroup entities, or groups subject to AS 15.13.040(r) may not contribute or accept $2,000 or more of dark money as that term is defined in AS 15.13.400(5), and may not make a contribution while acting as an intermediary without disclosing the true source of the contribution as defined in AS 15.13.400(19).

(c) A person or group may not make a contribution

(1) to a candidate or an individual who files with the commission the document necessary to permit that individual to incur certain election-related expenses as authorized by AS 15.13.100 when the office is to be filled at a general election before the date that is 18 months before the general election;

(2) to a candidate or an individual who files with the commission the document necessary to permit that individual to incur certain election-related expenses as authorized by AS 15.13.100 for an office that is to be filled at a special election or municipal election before the date that is 18 months before the date of the regular municipal election or that is before the date of the proclamation of the special election at which the candidate or individual seeks election to public office; or

(3) to any candidate later than the 45th day

(A) after the date of the primary or special primary election if the candidate was not chosen to appear on the general or special election ballot at the primary or special primary election; or

(B) after the date of the general or special election, or after the date of a municipal or municipal runoff election.

(d) A person or group may not make a contribution to a candidate or a person or group who is prohibited by AS 15.13.072(c) from accepting it.

(e) A person or group may not make a cash contribution that exceeds $100.

(f) A corporation, company, partnership, firm, association, entity recognized as tax-exempt under 26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3) (Internal Revenue Code), organization, business trust or surety, labor union, or publicly funded entity that does not satisfy the definition of group or nongroup entity in AS 15.13.400 may not make a contribution to a candidate, group, or nongroup entity.

(g) An individual required to register as a lobbyist under AS 24.45 may not make a contribution to a candidate for the legislature at any time the individual is subject to the registration requirement under AS 24.45 and for one year after the date of the individual’s initial registration or its renewal. However, the individual may make a contribution under this section to a candidate for the legislature in a district in which the individual is eligible to vote or will be eligible to vote on the date of the election. An individual who is subject to the restrictions of this subsection shall report to the commission, on a form provided by the commission, each contribution made while required to register as a lobbyist under AS 24.45. Upon request of the commission, the information required under this subsection shall be submitted electronically. This subsection does not apply to a representational lobbyist as defined in regulations of the commission.

(h) Notwithstanding AS 15.13.070, a candidate for governor or lieutenant governor and a group that is not a political party and that, under the definition of the term “group,” is presumed to be controlled by a candidate for governor or lieutenant governor, may not make a contribution to a candidate for another office, to a person who conducts a write-in campaign as a candidate for other office, or to another group of amounts received by that candidate or controlled group as contributions between January 1 and the date of the general election of the year of a general election for an election for governor and lieutenant governor. This subsection does not prohibit

(1) the group described in this subsection from making contributions to the candidates for governor and lieutenant governor whom the group supports; or

(2) the governor or lieutenant governor, or the group described in this subsection, from making contributions under AS 15.13.116(a)(2)(A).

(i) A nongroup entity may not solicit or accept a contribution to be used for the purpose of influencing the outcome of an election unless the potential contributor is notified that the contribution may be used for that purpose.